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To be fair, even Fallout New Vegas insists you go get revenge on Chandler Bing.

Also to be fair, you can literally find him, forgive him instead, and seduce him, but you're still gonna have to do SOMETHING with him at some point.


Who is that hooded Arthur? I mean, that Arthur in the hood? I mean, that Arthur named Arthur?

Whatever. It's a mystery. It will never be solved.

This opening doesn't exactly match the plot of any game I'm aware of, but it is basically a mix of the first two Fable games.

By which I mean the total sum of all three panels doesn't match the opening to one specific game. That first panel is probably the opening to about ten thousand video games, movies, books, TV shows, radio plays, and limericks.



Paul Lenoue

She's a girl, so man-eating beetles won't be a problem.


I'm pretty sure that's almost exactly the beginning of Secret of Mana / Seiken Densetsu 2.

Prof Sai

Susan is a little adult. The best kind of adult.

Otter Annason

There once was a bandit who pillaged, And did whatever he willaged: T'was really moot, Whether t'was for the loot, Or more for the blood spillage


This turns out not to be the case, at least in Firefox where I do all my Patreonizing. ^_^ (begin edit) Just click on the three seashells below your post, then on the pencil that is revealed. Alas, I have not yet figured out a way to insert a carriage return into my posts. :( End Edit )


You can insert a newline in comments on PC by holding Shift and pressing Enter, but I have no idea how to type them on mobile. You can, however, create a comment with newlines in a notes app, then paste it into a Patreon comment field, and the newlines will be preserved.

Some Ed

Well, since she grew up in a village, the age of adulthood is considerably less than what most people would think today, since no village has existed for hundreds of years. As such, Susan is actually younger here than in canon. Either that, or the hooded Arthur is nearly 8 feet tall. He must be a giant, or my math must be wrong, because otherwise that would mean his hood makes him about 137% bigger, which seems like a lot. (Actually, I partially grew up in a village, but my family moved to a proper town when I was still a child so I got a few more years of being a child than if we'd stayed.)


Susan did ask "Why am I so short?" in the previous strip. And yes, people were generally considered full adults at 15-16 back in the days before high school was a thing.