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Write what you know, they say, and I know games that aren't really that expertly designed that I nonetheless have played the heck out of.


I decided tickle science was an excellent note to end on, and that we should move on to incredibly timely video game parody.

With that in mind, I've revisited Fable 2 recently, and heck, that's only 11 years old. Let's make jokes inspired by that, shall we?

As for why Susan and not Grace, I considered the sort of things I'm going to be making fun of / commenting on, and, well... Yeah, there's definitely more fun to be had with Susan in this case.



Michael Brewer

Because unlikely heroes are often Hobbits?

Matt R

This should be interesting

Stephen Gilberg

I figure short heroes to be a holdover from early electronic games, when graphical limitations meant smaller moving objects, so designers feared that a normal human height-to-width ratio would make characters hard to see. It would explain Pac-Man and Kirby.


A LitRPG comic? Yay! I discovered LitRPG novels about a year ago and have read many of them since then. I thoroughly enjoy them. When do we get to see Susan's character sheet? I wonder what she will put her points into.


I mean if Dan is specifically making fun of Fable 2, it may be that the game starts with you as a wee nipper before time skipping you to the meat of the game

Otter Annason

what is she comparing herself to, to think she's short?


LitRPG is a genre where the characters are in a world that behaves like a Computer RPG game. They can summon character sheets, level up, assign skill points, etc. The genre got it's name in 2012. Here is more info. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LitRPG


Susan isekai!


It also tends to be a form of isekai ("different world"), which pairs nicely with having characters suddenly appear in a computer RPG.

Daryl Sawyer

Aaaaaah! So awesome! Favorite character! Favorite concept! I am overflowing with glee over this upcoming storyline! <3

Prof Sai

Head-to-body ratio, I think. Or she just feels light.

Kevin Wright

And so, our story begins...

Kevin Wright

(I've never played Fable, ut my wife and daughter wore out Fable 2. And still play on occasion.)