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I just wanted to draw that face.


Seriously, Grace, don't dwell on it. This is a game where you can find a legendary fire wand that does bonus frost damage. You're just going to have to accept some weirdness.




Maybe they're fingerless gauntlets? :-)

Matt R

That look of confusion is something we all had at least once in our lives

Brooks Moses

Or they have artificial claws on the outside? I suppose they could have small holes for the claws to come out, but that feels like a bad idea somehow.


To be fair, there are some fingerless gloves/gauntlets in Skyrim. The Gloves of the Pugilist (the only item in the game with the Fortify Unarmed enchantment) aren't one of them, though.

Stephen Gilberg

She sounds like Dr. Susan Calvin trying to get a robot to shut itself down.


I too like to draw something specific for the explicit purpose of making *that* face


Technically, the term "gauntlet" can refer to the part of the glove that covers the wrist, so maybe these are special, wrist-only gauntlets?


Ah. I recommend you read the collection "I, Robot", by Isaac Asimov. Not sure about the movie of that name, though.


I like making Frost Damage Flamethrowers & Exploding Cryolators with mods in FO4


That is an awesome face.


Jamethiel wears gloves with open fingertips because of her Shanir claws...

Stephen Gilberg

In particular, read the story "Liar!" It's also in the "Robot Visions" collection.

Inglorious Bastard

This is basically that Fallout mod for Skyrim isn't it?


If they're designed for the clawed hand presumably the gauntlet would be clawed themselves (not that I think any of the armor models take this into effect in skyrim) ... though then you could just make 'clawed gauntlets' and skip the base claws.... I guess you could argue being used to having claws makes them better with them to justify the stacking?

John Trauger

A clawed gauntlet would give the same stacked bonus for an unarmed human as an unarmed squirrel-person. But bog-standard humans only get the gauntlet bonus. Which means the gauntlet is only clawed when it is worn by said squirrel-person. Armor in this game must shapeshift to match the wearer.

Some Ed

I've not played Skyrim, but I know that was the case in Daggerfall. Not only was all chest armor appropriate for your character's sex, if you hex-edited your save file to change your character's sex, that single bit flip also changed all of the armor in the game.


One mileage may vary theory is that squirrel person and similar clawed individuals have hands that are naturally adapted to fight with claws, rather than normal humanoid hands that are adapted to manipulate things, that have been trained to fight with clawed gauntlets. The squirrel's claws may be covered, but her natural ability/reflexes to fight with them remains, and that would be added on to any training learning to fight with the gauntlets.