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Whoa, man, groovy...


I really like this sort of magic in games. Enemies are rushing at you, and whoosh! Suddenly they're peaceful. Or running away. Or attacking each other.

Yes, manipulating the minds of your foes isn't exactly light and fluffy morally, but neither is rushing in and setting them on fire.

Also, it's a video game, so chill.

Besides, it's not just with enemies where there's no "hang on, let's talk this through button". I've accidentally angered theoretical allies in games before, and while putting your weapons away will sometimes get the message across, that isn't always an option (and even if it is, it doesn't always work).

Just consider a good "chill" spell the equivalent of buying them an apology pint in such situations.




... I need this spell in real life. O_o


It would be nice if you could get it in pill form. I often need to be able to chill.

Stephen Gilberg

Nothing more ornery than accidentally making enemies out of allies, whether in a game or in reality. In Skyrim, I wound up killing several handy merchants in self-defense and paying off a guard because I clicked in a slightly wrong place and picked up an ash yam. That's worth one septim! I even dropped it in plain sight!

Brooks Moses

My DnD5e warlock has a couple of spells that are like this, but they come with the cost of "after the spell's duration is done, the target knows what you did and reacts accordingly." Luckily this warlock doesn't really believe in leaving unburned bridges behind them.

Some Ed

So, um, about that. It's a class of drugs that I think mostly ends with zepam, such as clonazepam. They are, of course, prescription, because they're super-addictive.


Ed, they're called benzodiazepines. They aren't "super addictive" - certainly less so than opiates and the like - but they do have a risk of addiction if overused or misused. ... Knee-jerk pharmacy tech comment over.


> it's not just with enemies where there's no "hang on, let's talk this through button". Someone hasn't played Undertale...


Ugh, yeah the social spells are useless for social situations. Charm and all it's relatives are only useful for in-dungeon stuff, where you're casting it on monsters you plan to kill anyway, you're just getting them to not fight you *just this moment* :P


Try again? <a href="http://egscomics.com/egsnp/2016-07-22" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://egscomics.com/egsnp/2016-07-22</a>