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Someone's transformed! But WHY?

And yes, context will always matter, but this is "in general", and it can be assumed that whatever context would be tailored to it.

Can choose more than one.

("Transformed by something through no fault of intent of their own" refers to someone being transformed by something, but not something they were doing anything with. It could, for example, include an orb that radiates transformation effects that they just happened to be too close to.)


Dragon Writer Luc

I’m picturing all of these with Kitty as the cause of the change.

John Trauger

I think the big thing isn't how the TF occurs but how the subject reacts.

Stephen Gilberg

Yay, mine's in the lead! ...Barely, for now. In general, it looks like the votes trend toward the ethical.


Thanks for letting the "general public" vote on this one. It's nice to participate once in a while, although it's fun seeing what the paying members come up with.


I'm not sure I care why a TF occurred, I just like that a TF occurred at all. Any reasoning would depend on the characters and setting.

Michael Brewer

hmmmm... Some of these are context sensitive. Like, a jerk hitting on a woman and won't go away feels like fair game for Transformation by Someone Else Without Permission, but transforming, say, "Nice Tom" without permission feels weird.


I think TF is most interesting when things aren't going according to plan, much like in a story: it's boring when things go right. But that's my personal opinion.


It must feel horrible to transform someone and something goes wrong, like way back when Elliot was stuck in a female form. That's why I voted for the options where the only person to blame is yourself.


Elliot's transformation (and Sarah's never-on-comic-but-oft-spoken-about one) was a problem because it could not be reversed at will. And, in my opinion, they have the most fun potential, as you can have some really weird or inappropriate transformations without having to justify them (yeah, he got turned into an action-figure-sized snake-goat-female, but you don't have to wonder why they would choose such a shape, since it went wrong).

Paul Rendell

Can I go with: "It was necessary to save the world"?


I LOVE accidents, unintended consequences, and other bizarre or unpredicted transformations!


I like "Gone Horribly Right" situations where the TF is as intended, but results were underestimated or ill considered.