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Poll Description - Rhoda, Diane, and Lucy. Rhoda, however, was clearly tired of being towered over, because Diane and Lucy now have the same height and figure as Rhoda. It is implied that Rhoda did this on purpose, but is trying to be nonchalant about it. Lucy and Diane's clothes look suspiciously skimpy, implied Rhoda changed them.

If that seemed like a long description, it's because there were three parts to the poll. Rhoda COULD have transformed them by some sort of accident, but no, the overwhelming majority wanted nonchalant Rhoda.

Granted, implying it was somehow an accident would have been difficult in one image. I was basically plotting to imply she'd sneezed, which somehow resulted in magic because reasons.

Nonchalant Rhoda, meanwhile, was easy. Just gotta WHISTLE! Though she is looking away. And is still moving her fingers. I'm not sure she's actually done?




That came out even better than I'd hoped. Her totally failing to really be nonchalant is just perfect for her.


I am surprisingly disturbed by Rhoda not wearing a ribbon choker.


Hehehe, this is just what I wanted to see! :)

Stephen Gilberg

I'd like an ensemble with Lucy's upper clothes and Diane's lower clothes. (Not for myself to wear.)


Not like sneezing hasn't equaled accidental magic before.


I'd like to see what happens if she's not done


Love Diane's "?!" face!

John Trauger

Maybe it's an art quirk but it looks like when Rhoda evened her friends out she made Diane a little more even.


It's meant to be a result of her top, but that's a valid interpretation.


Now she just has to figure out how to make them blush and hold hands at the same time! The power of anime logic will demand that they kiss when/if that happens. XD


Rather fun idea