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What? I wasn't going to say "shoot".

That would be mean.


They'll balance to whatever the new middle ground is soon, don't worry. Though, I suppose if they didn't re-balance, they could have the same palette and people wouldn't get confused...

No, no, they should balance. There's more stuff ahead.

As for the last couple of panels, I've decided if I can't fuel non-canon shipping in non-canon "what if" scenarios in other realities, what's even the point of being the cartoonist?



Matt R

Gotta appreciate Sarah's honesty.


Nanase looks really short right now, I blame the brickwork.


She's still shrunk, and Sarah's still nearly twice as large as normal (all around, I mean)


8D (That is the only way to describe the face I am making right now accurately.)

Dragon Writer Luc

I don’t see why they <em>would</em> rebalance. I’d think it’s a lot easier for Nanase to get around with the slimmer figure.


I hope Sarah doesn't playfully give Nanase all the curves while flirting. That would be soooooo bad. Lol


Wow. Transformations that lead to ridiculous curves <i>and</i> two cute girls flirting with each other? I'm feeling so understood right now. :)

The Sunroses

very large Sarah makes a good point.

Connie Edogawa

....Dan, you're not going to be satisfied until everyone's had cute moments with everyone and we all just converge on agreeing that everyone should just date everyone else all at once and be adorable, are you? because now I want Sarah and Nanase to hook up, and this is confusing to my brain that's been SUPER into Ellenase.... Nanasellen.... hmm, gotta think on that. but anyway, yeah, this is TOO adorable, you FIEND! also, Sarah IS cute normally, but transformed Sarah here makes me feel ways about things and I'm going to need to remember this page number to reference when I suggest her for future milestone image polls because there need to be many color images of this gorgeous human.

Stephen Gilberg

Me, I'd sooner court someone who looked like present Nanase than someone who looked like present Sarah. Provided that the former wasn't a kid.


Thank you, I was beginning to think I was the only one here to prefer not-so curvy to overly curvy. Seems like we are a minority here, but I hope we'll still see some transformation resulting to that. Even though, just transformation shenanigans, regardless of the end results, is already fun.


Is it still "shippy" when it evolves to actual flirt? I would argue that we more or less enter the domain of romance, here. And I am totally on board with it! I need to see Assistant Sarah and Nanase Craft gaze into each other eyes and kiss (and then go to more shenanigans involving antique temples and magic transformation).

James C

Now, slip the scales through a hole in the wall, and Sarah has to take the same route with Nanase working them...


It would still be a ship even if they actual get together, it would just be canon ship then. Except this is a non-canon story, so it's a non-canon canon ship? Or is it a canon non-canon ship? Dammit, I've confused myself.


That is maybe just me, but I usually use "ship" to speak about something with just some hint and left to reader interpretation, and "romance" when it is more explicitly stated. But in general, you are right yes. And if I can try, I think it would be non-canon canon ship, since it is canon in the non-canon :p.

Dragon Writer Luc

I’d think shipping isn’t really a thing when the characters are actually dating. Especially when it’d be something like “I ship Grace and Tedd.” At this point, the question isn’t <em>if</em> they’re getting married, it’s <em>when.</em>


Shipping absolutely applies as a term for canon relationships as well, since that’s what allows peopl,e to say “I don’t ship Elliot/Ashley” (example chosen at random). Shipping is about what relationships you want to see, what relationships the creator is showing are only tangentially related.


The commentary(caption? description?) for this post seems off- it would have made more sense on the "balancing out" comic, unless the joke is that they are very much not identical.