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Sarah wound up a little bigger than I'd originally planned after someone said they were hoping for that outcome.

That isn't because I was feeling especially indulgent or anything, but because I realized their logic was sound. I had planned for Sarah to basically wind up with the figure of Nanase in panel one, but If the scales balance the "hourglass" shape, then the base form with smaller hips and chest would have to be the low end, and the high end would have to be bigger than Nanase's form in panel one.

So Sarah thanks you, speaker of LOGIC!

(Speaking of logic, I'm pretty sure the side Sarah pushes down should be the wrong side for her to wind up on the "more" end of things, but by the time that occurred to me it was 90% inked and now it's officially an Easter Egg for nitpickers).


Huh. Is there a reason I've never included the site's commentary with these? I can't think of one, really, and I want to share this commentary in particular here, so BAM:


I have preferred responses when it comes to indulgent transformation nonsense:

  • Happiness
  • Surprise
  • Confusion
  • Curiosity
  • Comedic huffiness (sitcom-esque huffiness, not drama huffiness)
  • Unaware, or simply not acknowledging, that anything's happened
  • Nitpicking of logic (it's an emotion!)

Any interpretation of the list that includes the potential for actual drama is a mistaken interpretation. I might want that for a serious story or something intended to be dramatic, but as this list is in regard to what I call "indulgent transformation nonsense", no. This is, at worst, a comedically huffy place.

I bring this up because it was while evaluating these preferences of mine that I decided "to heck with it, I should just double down on Sarah liking this sort of transformation. It's fun, it's in character, she should just be thrilled about it."

As a result, I went from being sort of feeling "meh" about this part of this storyline to liking it again.

And I really was feeling "meh", because I sort of agreed with Sarah in panel two, and I felt like there wasn't much more to what was happening than an excuse for indulgent transformation. I'm not opposed to indulgent transformation nonsense, but I want more than that when it's part of a story. I feel very self conscious if I feel there isn't.

Sarah's ecstatic reaction, and the potential reactions to whatever happens next, however, has gotten me on board again with this nonsense.



Matt R

She's really happy with the results...I kinda hope she's allowed to keep them


Indulgent transformation always has the potential for character driven fun. See also Mv5 and Grace volunteering to act as the sample.

A Red Mage Named Blue

Personally, I'm much more interested in what Nanase's going to look like.


the download link seems to be broken, the filename simply says "1" and doesn't have an app association.


I was a little confused about Nanase's appearance on Monday's strip since her figure was noticeably different and I hadn't seen any effects to indicate transformation, so this confirmation does help. It still feels a bit gratuitous, which I suppose is part of the point of this story.


Also, I would definitely not object to Panel 4 being colorized into a sketchbook.


Glad to see the site commentary showing up here. Saves me the step of remembering to check the NP page on the site each time one of these comes out. Also: homina homina, Sarah is looking hawt! :)


Huh, strange. I've seen that happen when trying to save the image that's in the main body of the post before, but never with download links. Sounds like a Patreon bug.


I don't know how much this may or may not be planned: but something that could make this more "fun" is if the password-symbols on future segments get hard to distinguish or describe, so Sarah gets a few wrong that cause hijinks to occur.


Especially considering her dialogue, she sounds like she is still "stuck" or at least not falling yet.


It's calling it a "Binary/Octet-stream" as the file type


In this strip, Nanase hits a button of some kind on the way down (the "VWM" sound effect) and it looks like that's what changes her figure: <a href="http://egscomics.com/egsnp/nanasecraft-42" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://egscomics.com/egsnp/nanasecraft-42</a>


Dan, does it make any kind of difference if we view these here vs the website? I don't recall seeing ads on NP.


I got just a file called '1', but I made it a .png and it was fine.


Omg! I love that this is a progressive transformation and not just a poor style thing


Yes! My logic is undeniable!


Keep going Sarah, take it All o( &gt;w&lt; )d


Thanks for the heads up. As M. pointed out, it was sort of the right file, but mislabeled (I double-checked, and it was the correct file size and everything to my offline version, so it seems to just be the name). I've tested it with other images, and anything newly uploaded winds up as "1". I've removed it for now, and tweeted at Twitter support about the issue.

Stephen Gilberg

I wonder if there'll be any actual danger in this temple. "Tomb Raider" isn't a peaceful adventure game, after all.


That's a valid point, though I feel that I could be forgiven for not realizing that it wasn't just part of her sliding down.


I love the last panel, those eyes

The Sunroses

people enjoying being transformed is 1000% our jam yes &lt;3

Jaye R.

I was thinking the last panel indicated some mental effects as well which really would have upped the difficulty of the scales challenge