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Not that anyone would have noticed in greyscale, but I was tempted to swap the colors of their leotards after the previous comic.



Matt R

Seeing Sarah with Nanase's hairstyle and proportions...wow, she looks good with them


... You aren't going to confirm or deny anything that happened after the last comic, are you?


... I see that. Are we playing this game again? It was a fun game!

Jared Fattmann

Arguably the same thing as saying Nanase looks good with blonde hair, but you're not wrong


I have many questions!!!!! What happens if it rotates a full 90 degrees. Or even more? What happens if it falls down? What happens if it breaks? What happens if you place it on the hand of a Stone Blindfolded lady?


Whoop whoop Sarah's gaining a new fetish! :P


Hm. The fanservice connoisseur in me notes that those scales are at perfect censorship height, if one of those dials turns out to be like "clothes" or "exposure" or whatnot. :P


So, I'm confused: Why does Nanase want to find the one that shrinks her and makes Sarah grow? If they wanted to undo the "balancing", they'd just take the first setting and balance it in the opposite direction Nanase did just now... EDIT: unless the goal is to "walk backwards" through the transformations they've been put through up to this point? But even so it'd be easier to start by undoing the balance first, wouldn't it?


I'm guessing it's built to prevent all that. Such as being fixed in place, made of indestructible materials, etc.


I think one of them needs to shrink to fit through the "pet door" mentioned a few strips ago.


Pet door is too obvious a solution, really. The first room set up transformation circles and using them to complete a puzzle, which the second room used variants of. The third room introduced... magic scales, shrinking, bimboization (intelligence change + bodyshape change), and nudity as puzzle elements. This is the fourth room, so some or all of those elements may be needed -- maybe after the shrunken person gets through the door, they'll have to give direction to the person left behind transform them in other ways?


and I'm sure Ellen standing behind you with a giant hammer has nothing to do with it :D


So cute 😍