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I'm considering a Q&A after the current storyline, though I'm not certain. It will depend on the usability and quantity of questions I can get in advance.

I'm giving $3+ patrons a chance to toss around their questions first, and this will open up to everyone on Monday when I start asking all of the peoples in all of the places for Q&A questions.


That one with the boobs

Is Sam the first trans masc character in the comic? Did you want to add trans masc characters earlier? How long have you planned on adding one? Do you think that a trans masc character can by a tomgirl?


Go for it Forgot when is the backlash going to hit.

James C

Was it Sam who sent Elliot the Private Message back in May 2017? <a href="http://egscomics.com/comic/2017-05-08" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://egscomics.com/comic/2017-05-08</a>

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Did Immortals or magic exist before humans? Did Uryoms ever make first contact with dinosaurs?


Immortals are obviously another hominid species separated from us by a couple hundred thousand years. Like Neanderthals or Denisovans.


Is Grace basically feeling up everyone in the room when she has her antennae out?


Believe me, if the Q&amp;A happens, I'll be settling THIS as quickly as possible.


Does Adrian Raven have a sensory organ in his ears (e.g. how he "tastes" magic)? If so, have Diane and Susan inherited it? Is Grace in Tensaided's DnD game? How does Nanase not have any visible trauma from seeing a friend of hers kill a vampire (aberration, whatever) at that age? Is she just really good at repression?


Do you ever plan on redrawing the earliest parts of EGS in your current style of drawing?


Are you planning on adding intersex and bigenital characters into the series?


*Make all the different writer's block relate to each other, including muse burgers and that Star Wars one*


Is Ted bigenital or just nonbinary?

Dragon Writer Luc

Those are so fantastically rare that I kind of doubt they'd come up if it wasn't plot-relevant.

Dragon Writer Luc

What's a normal rate for casters getting more spells? How thick can magic books get? Which character has the thickest magic book? (I'd assume wizards don't have magic books, because then the answer would be obvious.)


How much wood would Grace as a anthro woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Dragon Writer Luc

Grace as an anthro woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

David Fenger

What is Tedd going to do with all the watches once they stop working? For that matter, could some of the cast keep using them by empowering them personally?


What are your thoughts on age based transformations? I've noticed you've been including them more frequently of late, and I know some feel they can be considered contentious because of potential associations with certain taboos.

Matt R

Are there any natural mermaids in the EGS-verse?


Is pandora's plan to reset without losing herself only possible because she's as absurdly powerful as she became, or because she's the first immortal crazy enough to actually try? And if not that question, how would tedd react to find out goonmanji 2 happened and he wasn't invited

Dragon Writer Luc

The first *was* partially answered: she's not the first to try. <a href="http://egscomics.com/comic/2018-02-09" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">It's just rare.</a>

Michael Brewer

Are there any Immortals who are Doctor Who fans or do they all think he's ripping them off?


I like this question, but I can't imagine that the answer will be anything but "No, I just don't have time".


I feel kindof bad asking this, because as a loyal reader who started in 2004 I totally get why he's been absent, but I do genuinely want to know: Will Lord Tedd be featuring in the storyline any time soon?


Is magic ever going to change again, or are the spell books basically stuck forever in their current state? Is there anything you'd like to tell us about magic, spell books, or the like from Magus' dimension?


Do you have any plans in the near future (say the next year or two) for our dimensions characters to go dimension hopping? (even in a NP, or non-canon affair)


Has Rhoda used her magic to give Catalina big boobs too? I'm imagining the two having a busty sleepover.


Have you ever had to completely remove a narrative branch because the story developed in an unexpected way? If so, is the one you regret having to trim most?

James C

Has Dianne realised yet that Noah is technically her brother? (In fact, do any of the students except Melissa know that Noah is Adrian's ward?)

James C

... And now I want a sketchbook of Adrian Raven and his youthful ward, Noah DoesHeHaveASurnameYet, as the Dynamic Duo. When do polls open? XD


What's Chika been up to? That is a question that needs to be addressed.


There should be, Magus mentioned there being mermaids, in his verse at least.


Is there an app version of a spellbook?


How did Old!Jerry know that half-Immortals could have kids?


Just remembered this one, but why did Susan work for Tensaided when she was still in her man-hating phase?


Why does she work at all for that matter considering by all appearances, she and her mother are rich enough to live in a large house


Grace: You're pretty insightful, but also innocently offensive at times. Have you ever noticed something about your circle of friends that you didn't realize was embarassing / was supposed to be a secret until you had blurted it out?


Are you still considering doing a Goonmanji 3? If so, do you have any idea when?


How is Elliot's cat transformation classified? Is it his own spell mimicking the belt's effect or did he gained the ability in a non/pseudo-magical way that works similarly to Grace's and her siblings' abilities?

Jared Fattmann

Do the balance scales have an age setting?


What are the main cast's favorite foods?

Some Ed

I'd assume that wizards do have magic books - but the standard magic books may only cover the wizard's own spells, forcing them to deal with learning other casters' spells the old fashioned way - by writing them down by hand and taking notes on them by hand. That said, even if wizards have magic books, it could be they still wind up with not the thickest books, because magic could assume, "Well, you know all this stuff, so I only have to give you the niggling details.", and they wind up with entries like Fireball: 2-95.3, 4x 72.1 / 3 up to 9. and thus have some of the thinnest spell books around.

Some Ed

Well, for one thing, he seemed to have been a much more self-reflective immortal than most of the others. Though, of course, that could be a chicken and egg - he might have figured it out from self-reflecting. Or maybe he happened to have a kid who had a kid, and he noticed and that set him to thinking about stuff more.


What sort of questions are you looking for? Or not looking for, as the case may be?


For instance are you looking for lore questions like: Does the world the Griffons are from have other "fantasy" races?


Or are you looking for character building questions like: What kind of underwear do the main cast prefer?


Or are you looking for meta questions like: Are there any ships that you like, but don't think will ever be canon?


I'm looking for questions I can reasonably answer in an entertaining manner within the context of a Q&amp;A without them being spoilers.


Can Tedd put a spell in a wand after only seeing it used once, or does he have to study it more than that?

Andrew Dennis Falenski

Since Pandora can have children, who are Pandora's parents?


I'm doing a quick review of Sister 3, and the only question I can come up with is: "What exactly are Mr. &amp; Mrs. Dunkel?" But that's obviously spoiler territory.


How/what are Dr. Germahn &amp; Amanda doing?


Can mortal humans become Immortals through magic, as they can become aberrations or (in the past) werewolves?


Is Susan and Elliot's review show still just referred to as "The Review Show"?


About how long does it take to become Aberration, on average? I'm curious how long until a new generation is something to be concerned about, assuming we don't find a way to prevent them.


Can someone who's been marked, or awakened through Immortal intervention, become a Wizard? For example, Nanase's family is suggested to consist of wizards, would Nanase have also become a wizard if she wasn't awakened by Helena and Demetrius in France?

Prof Sai

Tedd should shrink everyone in the world to half size so that we’d all need 1/8 as much food and energy. That would totally save the world and also be lots of fun! Everyone would have excess of some things, but need others, so full employment with plenty to pay people with. Half sized muscles are 1/4 as strong, but you weigh 1/8 as much, so you feel really light, and are more resistant to injury! It’s way better then Thanatos’s dumb idea.