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Poll Description - Quiet calm Grace and excitedly playful Susan


Yes it has.

And no, I've no idea if this is a personality switch, or a form switch, or if Grace is just tired and Susan's been having too much coffee, or what. I leave that to all of y'all.






Commence shippers in 3...2...1...

Stephen Gilberg

It's saying something about this comic that Occam's razor favors the form switch suggestion.


This would be pretty great in wallpaper sizes/aspect ratios.


I suspect that magic is involved somehow, but not just a personality switch, as Susan looks a little . . . manic. More so than happy!Grace does, I mean.

Dragon Writer Luc

I think Grace is tired and Elliot is in his party form, then zapped to Susan's form. It makes the most sense, anyway.

Michael Brewer

I can easily imagine Susan using some kind of magic to release her inhibitions and it not going precisely as planned, leaving her increasingly manic while making others around her tired and grumpy.


Of the possibilities listed, I'm going to say it's all three just because I can. They swapped personalities then forms and after that the tiredness/coffee thing happened.


Susan got some therapy and is now better about touching, and is excitedly hugging Grace, who just got off work after having to stay up to do Shade Tail stuff the night before.


Susan got her hands on some Klatchian coffee.


Next morning after a night of silly tf games...


Sorry, but it would not work. If they swapped personnality, then forms, Susan-shaped Grace would be grumpy and Grace-shaped Susan manic: 1/ we start with True Grace happy and True Susan grumpy; 2/ we switch personnalities to get True Grace grumpy and True Susan happy; 3/ we switch forms and we get Susan-shaped Grace grumpy and Grace-shaped Susan happy; 4/ then we add coffee to get Grace-shaped Susan up to manic while getting Susan-shaped Grace would be apathetic to allow for the other one to hug her. As you can see, the forms and attitudes would match, contrary to the picture. You can't get the pictures while using both points 2 and 3...

Hans Peter Bak

It's obvious in my mind. Susan has learned that a Star Trek marathon is on the telly this weekend, and Grace seems just to be tired. ;)

Michel Nichols

My mind cringed about as much as Jeremy did when Sarah did her happy face years ago!


It's a leeching "bubble tea" effect, you become playful, by stealing it from people near you. XD


Nonplussed Grace is adorable. I want 12.

Daryl Sawyer

Actually, I think Susan looks just the way Susan would if she tried to smile like Grace.

Daryl Sawyer

Susan is playing with inhibition-suppressing magic, and Grace hasn't had her coffee yet.


It would work if you gave the coffee to Susan-shaped Grace. It is, after all, the Susan-shaped one who's all happy/manic in the image.