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I'm tempted to just leave Sarah in that last panel outfit. She's definitely getting her actual clothes back, but we've already established CGI nonsense. I could claim she's stuck on... "cave woman"? I dunno. I just like it.




The second panel makes me start thinking of the various EGS characters with the Mario Super Crown (like Bowsette style).


Quite like Nanase in the last panel there. Great expression and her bosom is pleasantly oversized without being ridiculous or grotesque.


Well it's that or the next trap changes her actual clothing to that barbarian chic outfit.


Does Captialist Diane have any more openings in the "raiding wacky tombs" department? bc I am 100% okay with that pay rate.


Yay for Princess SarahPeach!


Action! Adventure! Science and technology! Big men putting screwdrivers into things! Turning them! And Ad-justing them! ...wait, what were we talking about again?

Matt R

Cave woman Sarah works quite well actually. Keep her in that look for a bit


No CGI! Han Shot First! Sarah wasn't wearing anything!

A Red Mage Named Blue

Anyone willing to sign my very sudden petition for a full-length, coloured skecthbook of Sarah as a Princess?


I agree with you Dan Shive. Maybe her clothes should simply BECOME that outfit.


That cave-woman outfit looks great, but I'd really prefer we see what she's actually wearing (or not wearing, but I don't expect to change your mind there, and anyway it's a little late for that now). The obvious solution: do a NP story (or any story really, but it seems like it'd be easier outside of canon) where there's a justification for her dressing like that. Maybe a story set in "cave man days"?


I think Sarah cosplaying as Peach should be an ongoing thing, personally.


Me, I'm curious what the first panel's outfit is meant to be.


This is hilarious. :)

The Sunroses

we think the first panel is the cutest outfit, personally

Kevin Wright

Another vote for cave-girl Sara!


I feel like this idea has great potential: "A long time ago, in a cave far far away..." You could have a bunch of the cast in different versions of the outfit; perfect excuse for Elliot and Justin to be walking around shirtless while they have cave-man adventures (whatever those end up being). You could have Tedd and Grace be discovering this new idea called "magic" and "transformation". Heck, you could have a guest appearance by Heka. (pun/alliteration intended)


I hope I'm not terrible for wanting the EGS Edit spirit to revive for this arc... Because I really want these strips un-CGI'd.


I'm all for Rich High Nude Sarah, Cave Girl Sarah is also good. I'm also hoping Nanase can't find her shorts.

Some Ed

Re: today's EGS strip: relax, it's just the power's out, and you've been hanging around that British guy too much. They were *flashlights*. Sigh. Some cartoonists, getting so jumpy. ;)