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Poll Description - Student uniform cowgirl Mrs Dunkel and Escalated Ditzy cop bunny Mrs Kitsune

I'm not sure how Mrs. Kitsune managed that, but then I'm not even sure who else is playing. I want to say Susan and Sarah's moms are there, but it's been a while since we've seen Susan's mom, and with never seen Sarah's.

I wouldn't normally have their names in the image, but in addition to the transformations making their identities quite vague, I like that it adds a bit to the background (which I wanted to keep simple, but even so, it's a bit empty without them).

Mrs. Kitsune is a bit heavier than Nanase would be under the same circumstances, but she is lighter than normal due to escalated Ditzy-nonsense.

They also appear younger, but that's more to do with how Hanma set up default forms, and her agreement with Susan that only adults should play (which the game wound up interpreting as "make everyone eighteen", because playtesting).




And everyone together in the George Takei voice: "OH MY."

Stephen Gilberg

"Make everyone eighteen"? So if Nanase's kid sister wanted to play... O_O

Matt R

MILFs are always appreciated.


Oh. Oh damn. You know that feeling where you get exactly what you wanted without knowing you wanted it? Yeah, that.


...Nanase would quietly escort her to another room.


It looks like the buzzsaw swirl Mom Dunkel's hair usually has it still trying to assert itself through the transformation.


Oh, also, weren't you going to release the full list of cards from Goonmanji 2 at some point?

John Trauger

At the end of the game, all players agreed on three things. A fun time was had by all, would play again, and never...NEVER...tell the kids about this.


Funny ;D


In my mind, the game wouldn't start with a player under the age of 18, so the default form would never get applied to them.

Some Ed

Wait... the game makes all the players be 18? Wow. Suddenly I want to play that game like all the time.


70 years in the future: "Why does this magic artifact turn the wearer into a mertaur, (its a centaur where each leg is a mermaid tail)". PLAY TESTING!