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But, like, what if Nanase IS bigger? Maybe EVERYTHING but Sarah is bigger! O. M. G you guys!

Incidentally, Nanase is a couple inches taller (about 5 cm) in this form, but only by virtue of her legs becoming longer. 

EDIT - Missing "of" in "make use of" in panel one fixed.



Dragon Writer Luc

Will she be able to speak in complete sentences by the end of the puzzle?

Stephen Gilberg

Apparently, only her brain shrank.


When Sarah grows back, could we keep Nanase at the same proportional size? Like, in canon too? Asking for a friend.


I like the sort-of-makes-sense-ness of Nanase's outfit here: the transformation turned her pants into a skirt of approximately the same size, and would likely have done things to her shirt if she'd been wearing one, but the creators of the dungeon had no reason to expect someone in the freezing mountains to be wearing a swimsuit instead, so it was largely unaffected by the transformation.


I'm starting to like this dungeon. :)


So it wasn't until this post that I noticed: Nanase's swimsuit was a much tighter fit in NC-21 and NC-22 than both before and after: apparently the change back from lizard-person back to presumably-human wasn't a complete reverse, but this new transformation has reverted the fit of her clothes back to what they were before the lizard transformation. This leads me to believe that there may be minor leftovers from each transformation as they continue through the dungeon, likely small change-blindness stuff that will be easy to miss unless actively looking for them.

Michael Brewer

Is she mad because it turned someone into a bimbo or because she got hit with the shrink ray instead of the bimbo ray?


Whenever Sarah grows back please have her actually grow out of whatever she's wearing


Not to be a downer, but there's another typo in Panel 1. There needs to be a space between "packedhand"

Matt R

This dungeon is doing wonders


In one of the original Captain Marvel comics, the Captain and Sivanna are fighting when the Captain starts growing. Sivanna claims that the invulnerable Captain Marvel can't be growing, so therefore everything else must be shrinking! From this they deduce that aliens are shrinking the Earth to make it easier to capture (years before Brainiac started shrinking cities). They team up to defeat the aliens.


Rather, the next comic WAS going to be informative about this, but that's been cut for pacing as it's completely unnecessary for the story. Sarah was going to call out the dungeon for perpetuating stereotypes, and demand it prove its progressiveness by making her look like that while ALSO making her a super genius.

Val Salia

Haha man, nice job not only including ZANY TRANSFORMATIONS, but working them into fun teamwork-based exercises that play with the strengths and weaknesses of the new forms. Takes a lot more effort to coordinate those extra elements, but the result has been extra fun so far!


Holy crap I love Nanase's TF, She's so adorasexy right now