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EDIT - Both download versions were originally the color version. This has been fixed.

I realized that I had palettes all ready to go for these two, so I decided to try out just going ahead and coloring it. I don't know how often I'll do that, but it was easy enough to do this time around that I just went ahead and did it.

I was tempted to try and squeeze in "I THINK they're the right size" in the last panel, but given a lack of space, I left what she was thinking while looking down like that to the imagination of the reader! With the exception of, well, my typing this.




So, did you just grayscale the color version? With a few levels adjustments that might work.

Matt R

The colors work very well.


I just recolored it. It's a bit faster than coloring from scratch by virtue of being able to change every instance of a given grey. Granted, there's some overlap between greys, but that just means manually coloring the most simple parts, then doing the full swap on the more complex parts. For example, Nanase's gloves make her skin more complicated to manually re-color, so I colored Sarah's skin bit by bit, then replaced all the remaining white with Nanase's skin tone.

James C

So, this particular puzzle has caused them to lose their shoes? I like where this is almost certainly not going.

Sam Mann

"Fun asthetic and a rod of infinite pizza at the end, but baddies are cheep and there are a ton of block puzzles. 3 stars out of 5, would raid again"


What, no hole in the pants due to the tail? Kinda expected it because of the coat Sarah's wrapped around herself. XD

Dan Merget

I'm not sure whether Nanase's pants had a tail hole. Her leotard definitely had a hole, which magically fixed itself when the tail disappeared. But the tail started a little above her pants and tucked under her belt. There might have been a semicircle carved out of her pants for the bottom half of her tail, but it's equally likely that the bottom half of her tail merely pushed the top of her pants down a few inches. As for Sarah's coat, she wrapped it around her waist just before Nanase turned into a giant bowling ball. (And I can say with confidence that this is the first time in my life that I've ever typed that sentence.)


Both download links point to the color version.


In MMOs with player-generated content, ratings are quite common. *sage nod*

John Trauger

Nanase may be losing a little ground. Maybe there's a puzzle that can help with that. I'm also wondering if Sarah might be gaining slightly...

Stephen Gilberg

I'm thinking Sarah shouldn't whine about their shoes given what else they could have lost. Still, it is cold outside....


Now the real question is are their proportions right or will the dungeon have to return those too?