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Nanase Craft has undoubtedly played many variations of Twister.



Stephen Gilberg

My mind did not go where Sarah's went. I just figured that the guidance would be purely verbal.


Well, thanks for giving me the image of Sarah and Nanase playing those many variations of twister. ;)

Matt R

She must be really...flexible

Brooks Moses

I would have to imagine that the combinations of twister and transformations could become very ... varied ... indeed.

David Fenger

I love the contrast between Sarah's bewilderment and Nanase's casual "oh, I'm a gecko now, let's see how I can use that to solve this puzzle."


What Nanase is proposing sounds tricky and risky, and Nanase's example didn't help Sarah feel better about it. That's all it is. I don't know where you think Sarah's mind went beyond "that example is unhelpful". I can't think of any way she'd help Nanase other than verbal guidance.

Stephen Gilberg

From the speech bubble placement, I thought Sarah said, "I...WHAT?!" before Nanase said anything about Team Twister.

Paul Rendell

She did. The "I...WHAT?!" was in response to Nanase telling Sarah she needs to guide her in the last panel.


Over at "Wapsi Square" over the last year or so, Paul has put three pinups of Atsali on eBay, all titled "Naked Twister"...


So if they touch the red panel...she grows, and that makes it harder to not touch a second red panel? Or something else silly and transformative happens of course. No wait, touching the red panels transforms SARA. Also, Gecko Nanase is reminding me of the lizards from Usagi Yojimbo.

Stephen Gilberg

Sure looks like an overreaction to me. Did Sarah think there would be no challenge?


Note: In case this is the cause of confusion, Nanase's example makes sense. She is imagining herself blindfolded, and Sarah verbally telling her where to put her hands/feet on the twister board. Sarah's reaction is intended as comical and to indicate that she does not feel reassured, as the fact that she has not played Twister shouldn't technically matter.


Totally going to suggest that as bonus art next chance I get. :)

Dragon Writer Luc

I'm thinking touching a red panel will remove the transformation, forcing her to start over.


Over on the website, you've got a graphic in the commentary, illustrating more-or less what the problem is. But it needs another line: A red on the right that desaturates to a grey that is lighter than the grey to which the green on the left desaturates. Which , when compared with the first line, shows that even if they don't all look like the same shade of grey, you can't necessarily go by the darkness of the grey.

Some Ed

I guess the reason Nanase didn't just fly up and flip the lever is she's excited about solving puzzles within their rules. It couldn't be that she's forgotten she can fly.


It's basically "Ok, move you're left hand up and to the right a bit.....A little more up....NO TOO FAR TOO FAR!!"

Stephen Gilberg

Looking back, one reason for my confusion is that I saw the resolution coming at the end of the previous strip. I almost didn't need the first two panels of this strip. So I was surprised at Sarah's surprise.