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Poll Description - Nanase in dark makeup / clothing with magic spells at the ready 

I'm not sure what spell Nanase is casting, or whether she's actually up in the sky. Maybe the spell is just for making her look like she's up in the sky and being cool?

Granted, this is a milestone image, so she's probably getting ready to unleash some manner of V5 nonsense. Probably. Most Likely.




Classic Nanase, The CW Nanase, 1990s Nanase.


Loving the boots and the multiple outfit variants. :)


Oh that's very nice indeed

Matt R

Very nice outfits.



Stephen Gilberg

I should like the last one, but the combo of bikini, boots, and cape (done also by a Fire Emblem character) doesn't sit right with me.


How soon does the naked version(s) of 03 start turning up online?


overall these are all awesome, but as a bit of constructive criticism, I'd like to point out that her hair seems over-bright compared to the rest of the image. I think the issue is her outfit's shadows are so deep, but her hair's shadow is pretty light by comparison: it feels like her hair has its own separate lighting. Alternatively, It might just be because the cape is a darker red, making her hair *look* too bright by comparison.


First pic: Cute! Second pic: Ooh, nice! Third pic: Bwuh.

Brett Tamahori

Up till now Nanase's clothing transformation dance was the hottest thing you'd put up, but that has now been put into second place. This is very nice indeed, espeically with the ability to look at image 3 and know that's what's under images 1 and 2.

Brett Tamahori

While I wouldn't mind seeing that myself, something like that will happen when and more importantly _if_ Dan ever feels comfortable with doing that. If it never happens, that's okay, for my part image 3 is plenty fun.


Bikinase? Oh, my.


Any particular reason the bikini version is available with the cape but not without? (Incidentally, I'm not usually super fond of bikinis, but Nanase is really making it work here.)

Daryl Sawyer

Pretty colors on a pretty girl. Doesn't get much better than that.