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Poll Description - Justin finds he can’t reach the high shelf of cards in the card shop and is surprised to suddenly be in a shorter, curvy female form

Why has Justin suddenly become a curvy woman of around Rhoda's height? I leave that to the reader's imagination to decide, along with everything else regarding the exact circumstances of this scene.




Justine is cute! Too bad she's wearing those loose clothes, though. Or any clothes at all, really... :)


Is that supposed to be an inside-out pant leg falling off of her foot? o.O


Rhoda has made friends with Grace, they worked together to "borrow" Tedd's Tech, to make her shrinking spell into a feature of the remote/watches. Cat got a hold of one... chaos. XD


Obviously that book she's touching with her left hand there is enchanted. I know my way around magic books.

Marika Oniki

Tedd obviously read some Goosebumps, got inspired, made a "Say Cheese and Genderswap" camera, and proceeded to test it out at the card shop!


What an oddly specific reference. I always thought the idea of a magic camera that changes the subjects of its photos had a lot of potential that ultimately went totally unrealized in that show. Just having the guy grow too fat to move while the girl wasted away to nothing (which they clearly didn't know how to do with visual effects at the time) was a very boring and uninteresting way to introduce conflict to the story, and it made interacting with the camera at all into an explicitly and exclusively terrible idea with no potentially good outcome short of totally nullifying its effects.


I think this image has a problem with perspective. The upward angle makes Justin look taller, and he seems to still be easily able to reach the top shelf, only seeming to struggle a little bit to reach the items stacked on the very top of this supposedly-tall bookshelf. In fact, his hand is rested on the top of the items on the second-highest shelf (a bad idea, don't hold onto the loose items on top of any shelf for support) and he's positioned in such a way that his shoulder is level with his hand, the only explanation for which is that he's nearly as tall as the bookshelf the top of which he's apparently struggling to reach. P.S. I really wish I could put line breaks in patreon comments so every comment wasn't a single unbroken paragraph.


Alternatively, that bookcase is actually really tiny, or Justin is standing on an offscreen stool (my immediate initial assumption on seeing this) or invisible stepladder and only just now realized it was odd for him to require additional height. The question then is "why is this important thing that would improve the visual continuity of the image offscreen or invisible?"


It's not the most natural of poses because it's a single panel pinup with the intent of conveying what is going on while having a particular amount of visual appeal. At the same time, Justin is standing on the toes of his right foot, and is fairly stretched out. I used 3D reference to assist with the perspective and matters of height in this, and even with a more proper pose, it would be awkward to get those binders without something to stand on. Sidenote: Shift+Enter for line breaks.

Wild Card

Justin will not be happy about this change. He did not like it when he transformed into a girl at the birthday party. I doubt his feelings there have changed at all.