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Poll Description - Diane and Susan have been given the Pet Kitty form from Goonmanji 2, and fully embraced the mental effects.

I'm not certain what Susan is chasing after, but Diane wants it now.

This was voted on well before any changes to Diane's hair, and I found myself wanting to do both styles. I have milestones to do that involve having multiple variants, so I decided to just go ahead and have both hairstyles to get a feel for doing that again.

It turns out it's even easier than I remembered, so sure, we get both hairstyles, and two versions of Susan because why not.

Speaking of hair changes, I've always wanted Diane to have more "realistically" blonde hair, but this is the first time I've gotten it to really look the way I want. I'm happy for plenty of characters to have hair that's more yellow than true blonde, but I want some realistic blondness too, gosh darn it.




Now to break out the catnip...


Aww, no Diane with Susan'a hair (and swimsuit) color? (Kidding, mostly, this is awesome)

Stephen Gilberg

Susan may be chasing nothing. Cats do that sometimes.


Diane's old hair was cute but her new super cute hair is *super cute*


Diane with short hair looks a lot like how Sarah used to look

Daryl Sawyer

I 'm not sure either of them would be comfortable with this depiction.


Susan could potentially genuinely enjoy the form in private. Diane would mostly want to dress up like that if a camera was present, but be less interested in indulging in such kitty feelings or behavior.