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I thought I would be doing a completely different comic today, but I decided something like this needed to be established, sooooo... Yeah. During day due to writing in spite of intense copy/pasting.

The only downside of taking this approach is there can't be a "catch Justin and/or Nanase in a Grace-A-Sphere" joke, but there are plenty of other things they'll have to put up with, anyway.



Matt R

So, they're kept in a nature reserve?


They have the power to enter their own pocket dimension.


It's entirely possible this is just a universe in which immortals agreed on a very odd state of being.

David Fenger

I know it's not what you meant, but it amuses me to imagine that the Grace-a-Monsters are the immortals under a *really* restrictive covenant. They'd be a bit like the white mice in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, toying with humans to see their reactions.


So how do you get a large group of Grace's wander around till you find em & ask if they wanna go with you?