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I was about to post something from these results when I realized that I hadn't actually posted these results. I'm sorry about that o_o;;;;

I am doing these out of order, but as I need to catch up, I'm doing whatever I feel most prepared to do at the moment, and one of these qualified. The majority of catchup will be during the 2-3 week story comic break after Sister 3, but I will be posting things as I finish before then.

In any case, the MARCH results:


For all options, the character is thrilled to be suddenly taller and muscular. Clothing will at least be torn in places, but might stretch SOME in the transformation if necessary for there to be any, y’know, left.

  • Catalina, this somehow a side effect of catnip - 107
  • Rhea, clearly mid-party - 87 
  •  Carol, during a news report - 71 
  • Charlotte, having just read something in a book - 51


For all options, one character is made heavier with big hips and bellies by someone they've clearly annoyed (either intentionally or unintentionally). Clothing mostly won’t change with transformation, though it might stretch a bit if I feel it necessary.

  • Female Elliot made a comment on Ellen working out less, and now it’s easier to tell the two apart  -  113
  •  We’re not sure what Diane did to annoy Charlotte or where Charlotte got a wand, but Diane’s heavier now, and Charlotte is intrigued  -  81 
  • Sarah has “accidentally” made Nanase heavier using a wand. Both are in workout clothes - 78
  • Rhoda gleefully makes Lucy heavier after an ill-advised wisecrack  -  49


For each option, two characters transform into clone forms of a third character. In all cases, clothes do not change with them.

  • Sarah and Susan inexplicably turn into clone forms of Ashley - 123 
  • Elliot and Tensaided inexplicably turn into clone forms of Susan - 81
  • Justin and George inexplicably turn into clone forms of Grace - 44 



I'll admit, I'm not really excited for either of the Singles or the other Double (even though I'm enormously fond of Female Elliot). But that comic looks fun as heck!


I disagree. I am really excited for the singles and doubles. I would have liked the third choice for the comic more


To each their own, of course. That's the great thing about being able to vote for what Dan draws. :)