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Poll Description - Cowgirl Ashley and Cowgirl Susan

One might be wondering why Ashley is a cowgirl cowgirl, and Susan is a bikini cowbell cowgirl. Well, it was determined in another poll that Ashley would have +9 attract, and Susan would have +5, and there is a clear hierarchy in the cowgirl world.

Okay, more accurately, this is either someone's fantasy, or Susan has opted for a magical effect that makes her cool with hanging out in the grass and wanted to enjoy it, but I had to make the hierarchy joke.

That, and Susan's a lot taller than Ashley, so if one of them had to be standing and the other... Look, a lot of complex mathematics went into this. My taxes had fewer spreadsheets.



Dragon Writer Luc

That was a remarkably fast turnaround for the milestone image, given your history with such things.

Connie Edogawa

love this. also, now I'm thirsty.... >.> (and yes, I'm aware that can have multiple meanings. I mean many things here)


Wow, talk about cow-tastic!


Dan's working on catching up. We can look forward to a small deluge after the end of Sister 3, I think.


...this is quite possibly the greatest thing you have ever done. :O (Yes, I'm exaggerating, but I love cowgirls, and this is exponential levels of more sexy-awesome than I ever expected.)


The question at hand is, of course, whether this is Susan or Ashley's fantasy. (Spoiler alert: It's Grace's. No, she's not aware of what's going on in the game. She just has this fantasy from time to time.)


Insert Courage the Cowardly Dog YES vid here


No, the real question is: Who is holding the camera?


Very sexy Susan there.

Mark Williams

I would looove an entirely cowgirl cast group picture. :3


Ashley those are some very very well developed...

Kendra Kirai

This uh....this is the kind of image that makes me wish you were naughtier. Yowza.


And some people can't understand why other people are furries ;)


fantastic or cow-tastic ^^


This is up even for just followers? You're too kind!