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They have show much to teach and show her.




The shape of Rhoda's mouth really brings her entire expression together. Have you used it before?


I've at least tried similar. It's tricky, because it's supposed to convey sort of kissy lips while also smiling, so it's sort of one primary mouth pose flowing into another.

Connie Edogawa

Ashley: Elliot, I feel it only appropriate to tell you that I am also in love with Rhoda and Catalina when we're in non-canon scenarios. we wanted to discuss it with you first, but they said they were totally ok with the idea of you and I being in an open relationship with them during the times you choose to be in a female form. Elliot: well, I don't see why not. it'll even make it less awkward to remember that time Catalina kissed me if she's technically my girlfriend, like she claimed at the time. ....and I'm suddenly very concerned the four of us are or are about to be the main characters of a 70's style romantic sit-com in the style of things like Three's Company.


I've long shipped Ashley and Rhoda out of canon, but I'm totally good with this new scenario of yours. :D


This is not the comic I was expecting but I love it. I've been waiting to see more stuff with Ashley and Rhoda and Catalina, since it took a while for them to start talking to each other during the game, and if this is how things start, yay. (Especially with Ashley's blush in panel 3.) And "non-canon transformation rampages" is such a good phrase. :) Looking forward to seeing what everyone chooses to transform into!


90% of the time people just transform randomly in these things because “Dan wanted to”


To be fair, there is a remote control involved.


Heck, in these things *everything* just happens because Dan wanted to. :) It's a beautiful thing.


Now I want to see someone who does not consent to transformation, Arthur, maybe, who is sad because he sees everyone else is having so much fun and regrets not joining in earlier

Dragon Writer Luc

I am reminded of Susan's "Plot Free Zone." <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=149" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=149</a>


Innocent lil Ashley ♥


And I'm honestly not sure if this is in response to my (really long) comment on the last strip, but if it is? I REGRET NOTHING. :P <a href="https://twitter.com/elgoonishshive/status/978465782110801921" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/elgoonishshive/status/978465782110801921</a>


That was sorta on panel, but yeah, that room is non-canon canon! Also, I guess they could just be anywhere off-panel, but I like the idea of just a lounge people hang out in when they want no part in something like this.


I really hope Ashley picks Genie Cowgirl. That would be awesome.


did you mean for it to seem like rhoda and catalina have been poly-flirting with ashley constantly because it feels that way


This last panel makes me wish/hope for those three in a future Dan's Choice comic page. ^_^


I feel like Rhoda and Catlina will be the best worst influences on a transformation fan like Ashley :D

John Trauger

I think Rhoda just broke Ashley. :) ...or created a monster. Or both. How much of Rhoda's out of canon confidence exists in-canon? Maybe it's a side of her that comes out only in private?


The only thing keeping it from being canon is that she's keeping her magical abilities hidden.