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For the record, Catalina's cool with this.






Itty bitty kitty Rhoda and teeny tiny toga Ashley, together at last! Edit: I figure the alliteration works about as well as the rhyming.


I've been waiting for this sort of thing for the entire storyline. :)

Matt R

...you know how many guys would love to do that with her? A lot


How about a larger version of the last panel? That would be awesome and greatly appreciated. Great job as usual!


This comic has triggered a cute-splosion!

Stephen Gilberg

Dan's commentary at the EGS site touches on a common misconception that I'd like to clear up. When cats show you their belly, they usually don't mean it as an invitation to rub, whether in innocence or with intent to scratch you for it. It's a gesture of trust: They're willing to show you their most vulnerable side. If you proceed to touch it in an unexpected way, they feel betrayed. They have to trust you a bit more before they're OK with a rub there. At least, that's how a pet guide explained it to me.