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EDIT - People found the first version of this comic confusing, so I made some changes. The attached version with "v2" in the name is the current "official" version.

Like a persistent typo that has become invisible to its author, a mistake was made while playtesting that I kept missing right up until writing the commentary for this comic on the main site.

The next comic will address this, because it's not a simple text edit to fix. The error is that Police and Bunny are each 1-type cards, and neither on their own could replace Kid, a 2-type card.

I've already written the explanation comic, which has a moment I particularly like, and ultimately means we get to keep bunny-cop Susan without me trying desperately to add on a physical effect to a form that I, at least, am already happy with.



Matt R

...you know, one could make a joke regarding the title number of 69 or the fact Susan got a bunny form

James C

We had bunny-girl Susan just the other day. I sense a recurring theme here... (Also, do we know when the Dec Poll results are going up?)


I feel like I'm missing some sort of reference in the last panel. One might assume that it's a Zootopia reference, but I only saw that once, and don't remember many details.


Yes, I feel like I'm missing something too. She seems awful embarrassed -- are daisy dukes really that embarrassing?

Kendra Kirai

It's probably because the outfit is....small...and Susan still appears to be childlike.

Dragon Writer Luc

I’m pretty sure she’s normally proportioned now, but it’s probably the short shorts she’s mad about.


From what Dan said on Twitter, it seems like Susan was expecting a more normal/modest police outfit after Catalina's nurse outfit. Instead, she got fanservice cop. :P <a href="https://twitter.com/elgoonishshive/status/950269511571247105" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/elgoonishshive/status/950269511571247105</a>


I'm torn between laughing at this and the utter mood whiplash caused by reading this right after the story comic. :O


She was hoping for a realistic police outfit. What she got was a sexy cop costume. She says "jail" because she's annoyed, and it's a police costume. Susan is normally proportioned. Strong shadows on a tight outfit with her figure didn't look right. I have been rewarded for my attempt at realism with people questioning whether she's an adult again, which she is. The kid card has been replaced.


Ah. See while that's a bit fanservicey, it's not terrible as far as police fanservicey outfits go. A miniskirt / visible bellybutton, maybe a shiny material might have put it over the top. ;) (Those are references to an absurd Japanese TV show about sexy cop ladies called "Miniskirt Police.". Because of course Japan has a show about sexy cop ladies.)

David Howe

could have hoped for something more judy hopps, really :)


I like the parallel to Zootopia. Love that movie. But man, I just can't help but imagine Susan in that cowgirl form wearing this outfit instead. It's a tragedy that we never saw anyone with cowgirl and an outfit.


Wow This Is Very Interesting, Can't Wait To Read More