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CRABTASTIC 25TH, EVERYBODY! In celebration of generous crab people, this on-time post is public right from the get-go.

Santa Claus is a crab, right?

Anyway, have a ditzy fox and a secretly happy busty Susan.



Chronos Cat

What? No, "Santa" isn't a crab. Sandy Claws is a big red lobster man. I thought everybody knew that.


Everybody's happy and Ashley's gonna get pets. I love it. :) Thank you, Dan; I needed to read this tonight.

Matt R

I'm glad that Susan likes the form. She looks so huggable


What was Susan's response to being V5'ed the first time? "I'm beautiful". What's the internet commentary that makes her cringe? "You need a sandwich". I think she just really likes being curvy.


Thatoneguy makes a good point about Susan's initial reaction to being FV5'd. Given her reaction here, I wonder if she doesn't have some latent self esteem issues regarding her looks. I mean, beyond the fact that she doesn't like being blonde.


YES! Milky Susan goin' in the archive for later o(0w~)d


Omg! Ashley is making the cutest face ever in the second panel! Makes me wanna pet her too. Sooooo cute!


Will she be even more happy at +10?


You know the kinda 'playtesting bug' in a computer game for this kinda thing? The form didn't reset, but the counter did. (I actually played a game that featured a growth power that you could, kinda, bug out that way by zoning while big, and ending up mega gigantic).