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And yes, she's wearing shoes and socks. Sonic taught us that's the bare minimum furry characters need to wear. Well, and gloves, but have you tried playing a card game while wearing gloves? I have. Cannot recommend.

EDIT - Sorry, forgot the attachment




I swear, because of the look on her face, I read Susan's lines in Yugi's voice.


And I was never even into yugioh.


I sense Dan will get hammered soon.


Furry is a clothing card?


Yes. It modifies any animal card and changes the rest of the clothes. Fox would not normally change Susan's face so much and result in full fur coverage like that.


Should have read the comments on the comic first XD


I feel like Susan's the only one really playing to win, thus her use of card combos and strategy, while the others are just in it for the transformation fun. Hoping this doesn't make the game run too short. :(


Talk about this page being worth the wait! I especially can't wait to see Rhoda and Catalina's reaction to this. :)


Seeing the "pieces" there... what happens if one of the players tries to touch one of the pieces? Or puts their hand on the board to block a piece's movement forward? Or was this already brought up elsewhere?


I suppose the easy answer would be for the pieces to be intangible and pass right through the player's hand.

Chronos Cat

You forgot the download link.


Ah, you're right. Until Dan adds it in, you can get a version of the file that's *almost* that big by just saving the image in the post. It's actually quote a lot larger than it appears on the page.


Darn, couldn't be a furry sensei?


Hanma could have taking fashion tips from <a href="http://dears.wikia.com/wiki/Mitsuka_Yoshimine" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Mitsuka-sensei</a> in DearS.


That said I don't know enough about Hanma to completely dismiss <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M4_Ommfvv0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Van Halen Music Videos</a>.


The "bare minimum" for this would be "fox in socks" -- but you need panties and bra (or swimsuit / club equivalents) to avoid the "naked with fur" claims. On the other paw (heh), you could start a debate on whether snug or loose clothing would be more comfortable for a fur-covered person; lots of opportunities for costume changes.


This whole board game arc has been "furry"