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Poll Description - Furry catgirl Susan in a Star Trekish uniform (original series)

That... COULD be a battery operated cat toy of some sort? Maybe? Or, y'know, whatever future tech would power such a thing, since they don't use batteries? It doesn't HAVE to be some manner of living space creature, right?

Seriously, though, there was a TNG outtake in which a guest star improvised a battery joke, and they were like "they don't have batteries in the future", and I'm just like "I buy them not having double A's or whatevever, but I assume there's SOMETHING in there that could be considered a battery?"

I dunno. Future flashlights are perplexing.




My first thought was, M'ress! :-) Very cool.


Same, I was totally going to post "She looks like a Caitian!"

Connie Edogawa

the alternate hair color threw me for a moment. if you hadn't said this was Susan, I'd have never guessed.


Wonder if a half-blonde/half blue-black hairstyle (fur-style?) (like post-transformation back when she dyed her hair) would look more Susan-like?


These are the voyages of the starship "Hammerface". It's continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out... Oooh...fuzzy


They specifically refer to 'power cells' in a very few episodes (from TOS to Voyager). Which are basically batteries. Phasers, tricorders, etc all are set in charging racks (which the various technical manuals even locate), so presumably they have some form of battery or supercapacitor. It would be a massive step backward to not have some form of modularity and interchangeability, though some things, such as phasers, probably use much higher density power storage than things like tricorders (think your li-poly laptop or phone battery vs. nimh rechargeables for your flashlight). One of the TOS books mentioned their kind of ultimate battery that was a micro supertech RTG (what we use to power deep space craft like Pioneer and Voyager). A fraction of a microgram of antimatter, containment field powered by a separate decay powered circuit, and a metered flow of atoms of hydrogen producing energy. Instrument package power with a 1-2 century lifespan. In fact at least one book posits that in their own way, starship power plants are actually massive fuel cells. Antimatter doesn't exist in large quantities 'naturally' and if it did, harvesting it would be... tricky. So what they do is manufacture it. (After all, we can make antimatter now, in singular atoms, but it takes lots of power and is not controllable in any real way). Manufacturing takes place on planets like Mercury, very close to their suns, with high efficiency solar panel bands around the equator, or on the sunside for non resonant tidally locked planets. Anyway, that's enough discussion.

Michael Brewer

That looks like a tribble to me.


Obviously a Caitlin based off M’Ress from The Animated Series. Cool.


If they don’t have batteries, every remote device would have to have an on board generator of some sort. Or maybe power is distributed wirelessly, which would be a problem depending on the range from the source. Of course, the term ‘battery’ can be confusing as is specifically refers to a linked group of something, such as linked energy cells, which is what modern batteries are made of. So, if they don’t have batteries in the future, does that mean they don’t have batteries of weapons?


I seem to recall that TOS episode "The Omega Glory" referred to "phaser power packs" implying that they were extra packs that could be swapped in when the phaser ran out of juice.

Paul Rendell

Integrated power supplies are only feasible if you know that you'll always have access to a recharger. In a space faring civilization that emphasizes exploration, the idea of not having the ability to swap out power sources is ridiculous. Incidentally this is why I hate iphones and the most recent Samsung moblies, although USB battery packs do alleviate it.

Crissa Kentavr

Integrated power would be assumed on a ship with all the same manufacture. It’s smaller, lighter, less likely to malfunction, and fits the 99% of use cases. Swapable power is only useful when you’re away from the ship and can’t just grab a spare unit or need to have very little per-unit downtime, which isn’t the case in most of Star Trek.

Paul Rendell

Given that no one can truly predict what happens during exploration missions, and the possibility of being stranded planet side if conflict erupts, having backup power supplies in the event of extreme use just makes sense. While Star Trek can obviously give arbitrarily long life spans to their fictional technology, it wouldn't likely be the case in a more realistic setting.


Susan in a skirt?! I never expected to see that! ...Also, re:batteries, the issue reminds me of how the Starfleet uniforms of TNG and beyond use some sort of fasteners that haven't been invented yet, instead of using buttons or zippers.


A floating tribble? Heavens help us.


It's actually on a string and I only just noticed how invisible that string is ^^;


So, you tied a string around a living creature to make it into a toy for a Caitian? You monster! ;-)


This gets more adorable every time I look at it. Truly she is the dearest and fluffiest Susan to date.


Shouldn't it be Su'Sann or was she raised by humans, not that there's any thing wrong with that but she should have a proper Caitian name.