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I assure you she's only bending over like that in the last panel because of all the text.

I also assure you that she's still wearing a shirt under that last speech bubble.





a good look


"Professor Sensei Hanma" is quite amusingly redundant. So, right up Hanma's alley. Also, hurray for the return of Hanma's utters!

James C

... First panel of next EGS:NP: Hanma-sensei adjusts her jacket with one hand, putting pens back into her top pocket with the other, and saying "Oops, I have no idea how those fell out" :-P


Need HD version of a certain panel without a certain bubble, just saying.


I was thinking that last speech bubble was very deliberately placed. :P


Should be "attracted to whom."


Minor typo: In the first example, the "a" in Ashley's name isn't capitalized, but the "a" in attract is. In the second panel, it's the other way around.

J. Jenny Jameson

Excuse me, last speech bubble, I was watching that.


maybe the target of everyone attraction just dodge them when they see to many people coming for them, hence why they keep going even if they go past the "attractor" space X)


That's what I thought, they're just overshooting their target by rushing in at full speed. :)


Huh... so the +1 attractiveness... is that going to affect the players primerally, or the pieces?


My guess is that the pieces will automatically get all heart-eyed (and possibly cuddly), while the players might feel some attraction but will or won't act on it based on if they want to or not. I'm basing this on what we learned about the "ditzy" card's effects, since it's the only other major mental effect we've seen. What should be really interesting is the "+1 attract for each turn it's in play" thing... will Ashley get more irresistible the longer she's a cowgirl? I hope so. :D


Fair, but mechanically, I'd expect it to become something like +1 to the other player's die rolls each time.