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Firstly, with my back better and my computer presently not exploded (and a backup option on standby if it does explode), expect milestone image postings soon.

Secondly, I'm going to comment on each poll below the results of that poll (previously, I only had comments after all the results and not after each poll).

Single (Two winners)

  • Point of view of Rhoda as a genie who may or may not grant your wishes properly  -  115
  • Squirrel girl Grace trick treating as a pirate captain. Yes, you read that correctly  -  107
  • Rhoda in Susan’s form, with clearly Rhoda’s clothes, with a “come-hither” look  -  106
  • Kitty in a part dog form with themed costume and props, and utterly baffled - 56 

Oh thank goodness I didn't have to roll dice. I'm going to make a point of having the Grace one ready for Halloween regardless of which milestone image should technically be next, so don't worry about that. Rhoda as Susan only lost by one vote (officially proving that one vote can make a difference), so it will be back next month.

Double  (Two winners) 

  • Susan and Catalina together at the end of a date that has clearly gone well  -  148 
  • 18 year old cat girl Mrs. Kitsune acting catlike and trying to get pats from a baffled Ellen  -  103 
  • Kitty dangling a cat toy in front of Felix, who is transfixed by it -   75 
  • Charlotte as a mad scientist and Diane as a ballerina (OBVIOUSLY not a reference) -  62 

My desire to parody a cartoon in a rather odd fashion has been foiled, but I'm happy to see Susan and Catalina so enthusiastically voted for. When I wrote it, I predicted it wouldn't do too well, but wanted to give it a chance anyway. Glad I did.


  • Tensaided levels up, affecting both him and Susan in different ways  -  161 
  • An award for sleuthing somehow transforms Charlotte’s clothing and makes Rhea a dog girl (OBVIOUSLY not a reference)  -  67 
  • George ascends video game monster training and becomes hunky real life monster trainer with Justin as a pet monster  -  30 

Yeah, well, I'm still going to find an excuse to draw meddling roommates and sexy male video game parodies! Y'know, later.

Thank you all for the support and votes :)



Sad to see Rhoda as Susan lose by one, but I think that means it has a good chance next month! Plus, a Halloween-themed winner is certainly not a bad thing.


... It took me until JUST NOW to get the Mad Scientist and Ballerina option reference. Ah well, maybe it'll appear later


Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand the appeal of one character fully changed to another character. Wouldn't that pinup have basically been just Susan in ill-fitting clothes? I like some TF stuff, but this one escapes me.


Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I really enjoyed that NP page from July 12th where Rhoda transforms into Susan, and then transforms into a shorter, bustier Susan. Something about that particular sequence really interested me, so I'd like to see something like that again.


It really is just liking different stuff, yeah. I liked it when we got Mall Form Ashley, for example, but something like "Here's Ashley in Elliot form" would have me wondering what the point was. *shrug*


For me the fun of Rhoda-as-Susan was the idea of Rhoda roleplaying her girlfriend's former crush.