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Not on site yet, but here ya go! Now! Hooray! Will go back to a day of $3+ for 24 hours once these are posted on time again!

SPEAKING OF WHICH, my goal for Saturday is to make three EGS:NPs, and I'll be making a story comic Sunday. This is meant to give me more flexibility during the week, and also to make it easy to get some milestone images done.

To the point, I don't intend to post Milestone images this weekend, but I DO intend to post some as I make them during upcoming weeks.

Also, there'll be the polls starting tomorrow, which I'm still deciding on. Suggestions from $5+ patrons can be given here. 




I look at little Nanase and my first thought is "Pokemon trainer"... and I'm not even a fan of Pokemon.


Should have made it Super Mega Awkward. Older Ahiko would have been neat. Also, Mrs. Kitsune was acting like a child in the last comic, yet Nasase and Mrs. Kitsune now are acting like they normally do. Just a small nitpick.


This is adorable and I APPROVE WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Also I'm bracing for Ashley asking Elliot's advice before she says yes to the game. "READ THE RULES." "Okay?" "DO NOT ANGER THE OWLS."


Hahaha! This is just wonderful.


Ha, my favorite line from Goonmanji 1 was Elliot telling Sarah "No. Play the evil game." Maybe we'd get that again...


I don’t think you can really asses that from what we’ve seen. Nanase said two words, both of which are entirely in keeping with childlike behavior. And I don’t see anything particularly “matronly” about Mrs. Kitsune’s proclimation, either. She’s also clearly comfortable in highly revealing clothing, which we know is super out of character for her.


Gonna be a little surprised if it takes Hanma more than one strip to talk Ashley into playing. :)

David Fenger

I love how excited Akiko is in this. It'd be fun to see Nanase and Ellen stuck playing with her at her age for a while...


Mrs. Kitsune's normally fine with wearing skimpy clothing and being part cat? Was she supposed to toss in what Hollywood considers teenage slang these days?


Heh.... If they go home now, I wonder what Mr. Kitsune will say. You know, once he's recovered from the shock. :)


If history is any guide? Nothing at all :-p

Daryl Sawyer

Kitty Kitsune.... dayum!