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Larry's "character" clothing, and the "Really Old Scroll", are nods to The Elder Scrolls series, and I think a running theme of starting the games as a prisoner? I know it's the case in the fourth and fifth game, but I don't know if that was continuing a trend or beginning one.

Anyway, this comic wound up way more complicated than I expected it to be, mostly because I didn't think through how many steps it would take for the premise of character creation to actually work. You can't just be like BAM! Form selected. It's a gradual thing that demands a bunch of steps, and wound up needing three pages minimum with a bunch of panels to work.

So, yeah, a bit more complicated than the average comic that will be seen, here, though some will easily be two pages.

EDIT - Corrections to third comic



The Learned Soldier

I don't think I've ever mentioned this, but this is prooooobably my favourite pinup you've done. Like, ever. Though I *am* out of date by a year or so(going through the archives now, hence the comment!) and there's always the possibility something made even after all this will blow me away!


Lucky for her it wasn't Angel column 4, she might have ended with a weird look :D

Anthony Wilson

Very nice work, Dan. Incidentally; the prisoner thing is a trend in the Elder Scrolls games - only major ES title that didn't use it was the second one, Daggerfall.


Better watch it, Bethesda might sue you for using "Scroll" in the title of your game that's totally a not real parody, like they did Notch for Scrolls.


Mojang; not Notch. Notch (who has unfortunately become av awful person) wasn't even involved in the development.

Connie Edogawa

now I'll need to think up various pinup ideas to suggest for elf girl Larry and all the ladies she flirts with. after all, none of the stats chosen mention orientation, so, this being Larry, we can probably still assume "cuties" refers to other women. or, admittedly, my lesbian butt just wants to see more sexy ladies hooking up. >.>


Nice. I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. :)

Adam Wurstmann

I wish more games let you choose your character's accent. I want to play an Australian khajit, damnit.

Stephen Gilberg

Anyone remember "Sacrifice"? Turning into one of those forms would SUCK.




Haha, what a fantastic idea. Especially that last panel made me giggle.


So close. (I'm referring to an even more sexualized idea I've come up with.)


Very nice!


Y'know, amid all of Larry's other character choices, the one that jumps out at me? Those eyes are an ENCHANTING shade of blue.


I imagine she wins a few games by taking advantage of a distraction or two as well. A shame he didn't pick the darker skinned option...

John Trauger

I built a lot of City of Heroes characters like this...

Princess Columbia

I would actually play Elder Scrolls if it did this. :)

Anthony Wilson

Need more Aussie accents in general. Was so hyped for Shadow of War since it has an Aussie orc/ogre/whatever in one of the trailers... aaaaaand then they announced that the game would have microtransactions.


definitely my favorite tf comic yet


nice more


I have made female characters for the few MMOs I've bothered playing for that very reason. To mangle a line from PVP, "Hey, if I'm going to stare at a virtual butt for several hours, it might as well be a good looking one. ":) I teamed up with a female player in Guild Wars who felt the same way. She said, "You can have your cheese and I'll take the beef."


Holy crap I love this.

Drew "Ununnilium" Perron

Notably, every person I've met who cited the "looking at their butt" reason for making female characters in video games turned out to be trans.