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Click the blue icon dealie below the image for 1920x1080 version. Simon wanted an all male wallpaper (well, ALMOST all male), and was welling to pledge over the course of three months for it. He considers this a Christmas present to the fandom and very kindly threw an enormous brick at me to remind me to merge the various sketchbooks into a wallpaper BEFORE Christmas, so HERE THEY ARE! Given that intent, I'm also making it immediately viewable by everyone. I'll be posting some other $3+ creations soon, however. This will also be a sketchbook on the site itself at some point this upcoming Christmas week.




Thank you very much, Dan. And happy holidays to all the fans :)

Daryl Sawyer

The all-maleness is cool, but omg sexy sexy Ellen.


This is pretty excellent! #BillAndTed Big thanks for making it happen, Dan and Simon!


Yeah, it covers a lot in very little time. A lovely little Christmas gift..www.swipecoins.com