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I generally try to get poll milestone images done before "Dan's Choice" ones, what with the voting and such. This is a bit of an exception, however, as there were two polls to do with it, and people had been requesting something of the sort for a while.

The last panel is a bit of a departure from the clothing poll, but that was related to the transformation itself, and I had originally planned on just a three step sequence. Then I decided the my choices should be a single comic instead of more and more images, and, well, things escalated from there.

I really like how the last panel turned out, which I wasn't sure I was. I had originally considered Mr. Verres winding up in something less revealing, but arguably more "girlish". It's entirely possible that will have to happen someday, too.



Tony B

I think he only noticed when the stache vanished...


A+! I wasn't really interested in Mr. Verres as a subject originally, but I have officially changed my mind.

David Fenger

Would so love to see something between Verres and Lavender actually show up in canon, some day... (Someone needs to tell her to hit him with a clue-by-four.)


Oh cool, Patreon is being less dumb now. Additional attached images appear below the text, instead of above it. Sorry I keep using the comment section on your art to talk about Patreon's weirdness... It's just that you're the only one I Patronize who's releasing new work right now. Oh, and hurray for Lavender! And for those extra-high resolution bonuses!


nice ^^


Oh man




Cute stuff! Glad to see something happen to him. I get the impression the last panel is the result of Lavender playing dress-up rather than any magical transformation. Which makes me wonder if she's ever approached Agent Cranium with that "I need to dress you!" look in her eye...


Probably not, Lavender canonically has a thing for Edward.


And vice versa, thanks to the last strip of Zombie Survival Plans.


Psst. Last strip of "Zombie Survival Plans."


That is ridiculously cute. :D


I was not saying that Lavender was attracted to Cranium too. I was merely saying that given how Lavender looks and dresses, she might have that desire some women do to dress up their female friends like dolls. Especially those like Cranium who only seem to wear work clothes (though we did see Cranium dressed up once).

Stephen Gilberg

I suspect that her delight at seeing Mr. Verres become Ms. Verres had more to do with the joy of makeovers than same-sex makeouts.


Now that we see him in color, his glasses strongly resemble those worn by Dale in "Questionable Content" -- and Dale's are square and opaque because they're actually augmented-reality computer screens. Coincidence? Are they related to Tedd's tech-y glasses in some way?

Drew "Ununnilium" Perron

Honestly, post-makeover Edward seems so happy and sweet and feeling good about herself. I love it.

John Trauger

Faminated Ed Verres has a lof of the same sort f cuteness Charlotte does. brainy types...


...Not even Tedd's dad is safe. Not anymore.


YES YES YES YES!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY!!! MUAHAHAHA!! HE IS NO LONGER IMMUNE TO SHINANNIGANS!!! That said, how his assistant reacts is amazing, and he handles is classily. I am now satisfied. :)


The Stache didn't stay, the Magic is stronger than the Mustache! Thank You Dan, Trying to get this vote for so many months, it's beautiful o(TTuTT)d