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EDIT: There is an obvious continuity issue with this explanation that I somehow missed, and it will be revised next comic. That's gotta be a speed record for retconning. The new explanation solves the issues mentioned at the end of this post, however.

Waiting on cache for it to be on site, but here it be!

And yes, this 100% prevents transforming, scanning, pasting, then repeating for effects beyond what's supposed to be possible! HA! Outsmarted you all!

And now to check my Twitter from yesterday. Let's see... "What happens if Ellen transforms, scans, pastes, and repeats with Grace, who is never actually enchanted?"





. . . Huh. Funny that your confirming Tedd's default form is male to the extent that a overpowered Copy spell recognized it. I always thought Noriko did some transformations or othet magical hijinks/battles while she was pregnant, resulting in Tedd's being Male instead of Female.


Guess that's one theory shot to H.F.I.L.


Tedd's mark DOES shift their default form.


Tedd's "default" form can be male or female now. I chose male only because I knew people were already confused about some things, and that's a detail many might not recall off the top of their heads.


Hey, waaaait a minute.....


Tedd looks really good with more hips and bottom. They are so cute.