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I was quite certain I posted this last night before bed, but I must not have? Weird. ANYWAY, here it be.

Also, that's transformed Bad Tom in the back. I didn't realize he would have trouble being recognized, but I've seen evidence of confusion elsewhere.




Thank you for stating it is Bad Tom. I knew I should have recognize the character, but I was unable to do it ><.>


I meant to ask this on Monday. What happens when somone is transformed and ellen shoots rhem with V5? It turned Vladimir human when she boosted the energy, but would that work on everyone?


And here I was assuming it was Elliot because they were with Ashley. But Bad Tom does make more sense now.


This comic was kinda awesome. I kinda want the background characters isolated and pulled out for clearer viewing. Just because they are fun and will most likely never appear like that again (panel 2)

Connie Edogawa

is it bad that I like the idea of Ellen and Nanase being preggers?

John Trauger

I thought it was Elliot for a few moments and the realized that it was where a shrunk and feminized Bad Tom was standing in Monday's NP. Ashley might not yet realize that's bad Tom. If she does it's to her credit. She seems honestly charmed by how cute he's been made rather than, oh, say: acting that way and taking revenge.

John Trauger

I'd like to see Dan explore it sometime. sometime when heis brains aren't decorating his monitor as a result. :)


"Who's the father?" "She is. *Points at other girl in the relationship*" "... wut?" "Tedd did it."

Stephen Gilberg

I have mixed feelings about seeing pregnant forms. They can look good, but unless you're the father, they kind of announce, "Suffer, boy; I'm spoken for." Even when they're available, women that deep into pregnancy probably aren't up for sex, and I'd worry about them going into labor any minute.


Feels like more ought be said 'bout panel two there. Not least by the ladies in question. And Bad Tom, too. That would be an interesting interest piece...of interest! XD