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Firstly, suggestions are no longer limited to pinups! I know what exactly that means can be vague, but it mostly means these two things:
  • You can suggest characters, clothing, and forms that generally wouldn't be considered sexy. Something involving Jeremy the cat in a top hat, for example, is now far less questionable to suggest.
  • Characters might dress more sensibly than they might have previously depending on the situation.

That's basically what it boils down to, really. It's ultimately not that huge a difference, as we've had some pretty tame pinups before, but it does mean more things are possible.

Note that the comics sequences are, for now at least, sticking to transformation themes.

Secondly, I'm plotting to post as much Patreon related stuff as I can manage this week without putting off Story or EGS:NP.  May was a ridiculously busy month for me in non-comic ways, but June should be much easier (knock on every bit of wood I can find).



After the recent EGS:NP, I'd like to see more of Ellen flaunting Double FV5. (With or without someone else she's similarly transformed, I'm not picky.)


Bonus points if Ellen's with the more muscular female Greg from Monday's EGS:NP. :P


I second the Double FV5. I'm also curious what the "Absurd results" of using it on a female mentioned in the NP comic look like.


More FemTedd...

Jared Fattmann

I think Ellen's split seams in the textless version of that panel are a pretty good example of absurd results :p