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  • Ashley - 323 votes
  • Susan - 206 votes
  • Catalina - 184 votes
  • Rhoda = 165 votes

We have our players! Thanks to all the voters. In the context of the story, everyone will be a playing for their own complex and personal reasons, and... um...

Well, actually, given the characters, only Susan will have any real complexity behind wanting to play, BUT STILL!

This sequel will feature a slightly different game, with a board, cards, and rules I've made myself.

Unless it turns out to be something I can't work with, I intend how the game goes to be determined mostly by playtesting an actual game of it. I say "mostly" because it has to work as a story, so if something happens I don't like or can't really do anything fun with, I can fudge the results to make a better story)

(So, basically, Dungeon Master rules).

While I intend to come up with all the rules and cards myself, I will undoubtedly have a poll later to help me decide how common certain card effects should be relative to others. This is a game of physical, mental, and clothing transformations, so there's a lot that could be in it.



Now all we need is a clever modification of the name "Zathura"


Let's see... Catalina playing the game with her former crush *and* her current girlfriend, Rhoda possibly unaware of said crush and yet playing the game with someone who looks just like her own former crush, Susan being unaware of both of said crushes, AND Ashley potentially being attracted to any of them, even through changes in appearance and gender? This is going to be DELIGHTFULLY awkward. I love it. :)


Any chance we might see the rules afterwards?

Scott McCarthy

The game is going to enjoy putting Susan in various dresses and skirts isn't it ;)


Oooo! I can't wait to start!


Given that it's semi-randomized and clothing cards are in it, it could happen. They don't do much other than that, but in this game, that can be a good thing.


Looking forward to it! Magical transformation board games are one of my favorite things.


I wonder how much touching of other people Susan will be doing throughout this game, and how much it may increase her tolerance of same. But it’s not canon, is it? Could be revealing nevertheless.


Susan's motives will be the most interesting at all. In my opinion, anyway. People might find Ashley's "this sounds like fun" motive more interesting.


Susan is aware if Catalina having been attracted to her, Catalina asked her out once. The interesting part will be the fact that Susan "likes to watch" so seeing how Catalina and Rhoda interact could have an effect on her.


can you publish or share your rules and cards etc for the game you're making?


Well, that's a major brain fart on my part. :( Don't know how I forgot about that. But I'd also forgotten about Susan liking to watch, so clearly I underestimated how awesome this whole thing is going to be. Bwa ha ha.


So there won't be ANY MfF transformations? Thats so lame!


The votes went how they went. I am, however, aware of this issue, and am plotting the storyline afterward to MAJORLY overcompensate for this.


I don't remember who exactly said that, but the main idea was: there are characters who never were transformed to women before - like Greg. And that is always the most interesting part - the FIRST reaction to gender change. So i literally beg you - PLEASE put any of those guys to plot, thar will overcompensate A LOT :)


So basically, all 4 of them will transform into guys