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The triumphant return!

- At egscomics

The triumph is they made up without incident. I was going to joke about there not being a triumph, but no. That counts.


(Catalina didn't like that.)

(That's a video game affinity reference, not me assuming you couldn't tell that from Catalina's face.)

(The above parenthetical sentence however, was me assuming you might not get the previous sentence in parenthetical sentence.)

(I should probably stop with the parenthetical sentences.)

Remember when I said there were "no consequences" to Camdin and his friend showing up, and whistled innocently?

It might turn out there's a consequence to that.


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Stephen Gilberg

Anyone know a good cat photo to complement the last panel?

Daryl Sawyer

Simmer down, Cat. They had a love life (sort of) before they met you. That is not a crime.