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Who fears a strong woman

- At egscomics

Next EGSNP (after this) will be next Thursday (13th) due to a shoulder issue.

It's not super bad (as evidenced by story pages continuing), but still an issue. I elaborate in the commentary.


"Also, you're not scarier than a giant boar. Wait, could I call a giant boar a dire boar? I totally helped scare away a dire boar."


The next EGSNP is going to be next Thursday because of my shoulder. I mentioned this in a recent story comic commentary, but shoulder pain has been an issue for me this week, and I'm behind schedule because of it.

It's better than it was, but I still need more frequent / longer breaks than is ideal to prevent hurting it.

I want to be sure to give my shoulder a full weekend's rest from drawing, and I want Monday to be an option for resting it just in case (ideally, though, I'll be drawing things on Monday).


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One step closer to the polycule. Brooohahahahha~


Oh I love this! I also love head pats!!