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Carry capacity

- At egscomics

I mean, they SAY it exists for game balance, and maybe it does, but with some games, it's just a speed bump, y'know? I sorta liked it in Fallout 3 and NV, though. Gluing broken items together felt productive.


It's like a skirt, but also shorts! Which I'd heard of before, but only recently learned that they can have POCKETS.

This probably isn't super important to the plot, but I've wanted this moment ever since deciding to not draw Rhoda with a purse.

And now to answer the question everyone's wondering:

Diane is ordering for herself and Lucy, and Rhoda is ordering for herself and Catalina.

(Naturally, I don't know if anyone was actually wondering that, but it occurred to me that there was a possibility greater than zero that someone might assume Diane expected Rhoda to pay for everything for some reason.)


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You can apply link your credit card to a smart watch as well these days. Not that it matters since she’s not wearing a watch either. You could probably put a chip In earrings, but that probably wouldn’t be convenient.

Stephen Gilberg

I still don't have a good answer to why feminine clothing rarely has decent pockets. Women complain about it; you'd think the market would provide supply to meet the demand.

Dan Curtis

overly priced purses and bags is the market answer to this problem, which was definitely totally not made that way on purpose.