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Possibly a good idea.

 - At egscomics

Dressing up like bowling shoes while going to a bowling alley will help you gain the trust of the bowling shoes, reducing the chances of them turning on you.


Diane: "Like, have you ever carried around shoes? On a DATE?"

Rhoda: "I'd put them in a bag."

Diane: "I mean yes, OBVIOUSLY, but would you carry a bag AND a purse?!"

Rhoda: "I'm not carrying a purse."

Diane: "You're not? Wait a minute, you're not! How are you getting away with that?!"

Rhoda: "All will be revealed in due time."

Diane: "???"


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YEAH Rhoda, we can't all shrink our shoes to the size of beans and fit them in the pathetic excuse for pockets that adorn women's clothing!


For what it's worth: My father, who bowled in a league for 13 years, kept his bowling shoes in a bag with his bowling ball, which I could have sworn it had already been discussed that Lucy and DIane ALSO never thought to buy... but I can't find the page.


I brought it up in one of the commentaries... Ah. Here - https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-015 "As for why Diane and Lucy don't own their own shoes, I don't think that's a mystery that has to be explained. I'm gonna do it anyway, of course, but just quickly down here: They didn't want to carry an extra pair of shoes around on dates, or wear them for the entirety of their dates, and they've yet to realize the someday-obvious-in-retrospect truth that they're not trying to impress guys anymore, and would probably save in the long term if they got their own bowling shoes." So I didn't get into the "they weren't paying for them" aspect, which I'm a little surprised by, I thought I had, but it was talked about before.