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Perfectly logical choices

- At egscomics

Will an actual logical choice be made? There is NO WAY to guess without reading the comic! (And if you guess correctly you've just been proven psychic.)

Side note: The next sketchbook will be on the main site Wednesday with early access here Tuesday.


I'm guessing Rhoda is pretty recognizable from just her height and hairstyle combined.

Then again, I give people all sorts of weird hairstyles. Maybe Rhoda's hairstyle is like "The Rachel" from Friends back in the day, and is all over place.

(And yes, younger readers, that was a thing. People really liked Rachel's hairstyle in early Friends.)

As for Catalina, he would have briefly seen her while turning back around to go inside, as Catalina was off to the side looking at ducks.

In her defense, those were some nifty ducks. They quacked and everything.


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Some Ed

Is Camdin the one who can turn into smoke/fog/something or other nebulous? I wouldn't expect that to be paired with someone so aggressive but it could explain why he's so reckless - he doesn't perceive himself to be in any danger.


Camdin needs a Spock moment: "You have been, and always shall be... an idiot"