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Hey guys!

This video is part of a 2-episode arc called The Dooku Dulogoy and this is the 7th of 7 videos today! Time to binge watch some clone wars!!

I have attached the sheet to this post so you know what to expect for the rest of the day! :)

Love you guys so much, and thank you for taking this journey with me!!




Ludus Aurea

Jar Jar was exiled from Gungan City for being a fuckup. The rest of his people were pretty dumb clowns in Phantom Menace, too, but he was bad enough that everyone else was like "Get this guy tf out of here."

Charlie Fontana

Just an fyi, they’d never admit it but count and Obi wan respect each others skills, knowledge and power greatly


Hondo is basically Star Wars Jack Sparrow