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Hey guys!

I know I was supposed to react to episode 2 of The Boys today, but to be honest I COULDN'T WAIT FOR STAR WARS!!!! 

I was literally about to push play on The Boys and my heart told me to watch this movie instead! I hope you guys aren't mad! 

Star Wars on Thanksgiving?!!?! LETS GOOOOOOOO!






Jon-Henri Roman

And just like that... the man makes our day 😎

Mandy Sherratt

Yaaay! After the week/ day I've had, this early release of your reaction to ROTJ has made my day, I've been so excited to watch it along with you. Keep up the fantastic work & content Alex, you're bloody brilliant. 🥰😁👍🇬🇧


Been waiting for this..


Next Spaceballs..


My family can wait. Alex is the priority

Brad Beach

Always follow your heart! Grand move Alex. Happy Thanksgiving brother. Much love!


I haven't been THIS hyped to watch Return of the Jedi in YEARS!

Dallas Darnell

If you want more Yoda, the Clone Wars you must watch.


I assume you will watch the rest of the movies which is awesome. I really hope you give the clone wars tv show a shot too it seriously is my favorite show of all time and is peak Star Wars imo.


"THEY KISSED!!!" 🤣Yeah dude, they didn't know?!

Dallas Darnell

The title is about Anakin Skywalker. He is also the main character of the Star Wars movies, according to a George Lucas.

Ranger Maverick

NOW!!! Now would be the perfect time to interrupt the flow of Star Wars movies to watch Space Balls. The Perfect Time!


You called Mon Mothma, LEIA???? OMFG ALEX.....

Steven Weber

I was honestly most excited just to see Alex's expression finding out luke and leia were siblings after all the jokes lmaooo


I knew you were gonna have a huge reaction to Luke and Leia, but having to pause the damn movie, I didn't see coming! Fucking priceless!

Sean Dean

In case no one has explained it yet, CGI definitely did not exist when this was made, or at least not in the way it exists today. The reason some scenes looked to be a bit higher in quality, is because these movies have been remastered and subtly altered multiple times over the years with various CGI additions. I've seen other first time reactors be a bit confused by this, so just wanted to clarify. Loved the reaction though, and can't wait for more!

Pistols O'Brien

With every Luke and Leia joke all of us probably looked like SpongeBob when he found out Squidward liked crabby patties.


I cant wait till you watch the prequels. I know you will love them. It is going to be SOOOO awesome

Kayleb Patel

Basically all your questions would be answered in Episode 1-3. Episode 1 and 2 have a lot of cringe dialogue, but great choreography, and episode 3 a lot of people say is the best Starwars film (usually the younger generation), and is 100% worth the watch. And if you think Leia is hot, wait till you see Padme.

Dale Diaz

low key talked over and missed the part where yoda's body disappeared lol

Dale Diaz

Also "return of the jedi" refers to the jedi as a whole. Luke faced vader and succeeded, which as yoda said was the only way he'd be a true jedi. Luke survived and (if he followed what yoda told him to do) he's going to carry the teachings forward, hence THE JEDI have returned as a religion and a people to the galaxy. Also the movie is a little controversial because people got really bent out of shape about the ewoks, don't ask me. I loved em


Thanks for this! Also I can answer some of your questions! 1. Tatooine has two suns, that's what you mistook for moons 2. The annoying little bird at Jabbas place is actually called a Kowakian monkey-lizard 3. The topless dude crying by the rancor was its beast master 4. The name of Yodas species is unknown, so it's officially called Yodas species 5. They didn't know they were going to make more movies and didn't quite establish the sibling thing of Luke and Leia at first


Hey Alex, I joined your patreon specifically to see your reaction to this movie, because of your jokes on Episode 4, so don't beat yourself up too bad! I really had a blast rewatching the series with y'all so far, and I look foreword to the rest of your reactions. Much love and take care.

Michelle Booth

I've been waiting to see how you would react to finding out about Luke and Leia, and man you didn't disappoint!! 😂😂 Having to pause the movie...HILARIOUS!!! My favorite line from you "Ahh, Leia I can't even look at you right now." 🫣, That was priceless 😂!!

Amy Lewis

Once he finishes the prequels I’d also love to see his reactions to Pickett/RedLetterMedia’s reviews of those three

Amy Lewis

To clarify, this means watching the tv show The Clone Wars, not Episode II Attack of the Clones (though you need to watch that one too obviously)

Logan Kerlee

I'm not mad or disappointed AT ALL! Had I known about this, I'd of been the first to watch!! xD Dude, man, I'm SO happy that you completed the original films! :D :D :D I'm a happy camper after finishing this. :) Thanks buddy for finally watching this (also for watching this EARLY!!)

Logan Kerlee

This one was my favorite as a youngster! Big fan of this one but it's no longer in my top spot. :) 456 will ALWAYS be the way for me. 123 are amazing, yes, but if I'd of seen those first I don't think that I'd be nearly as interested in the series. lmao lmao lmao, love your reaction to the truth. xD You TOTALLY made those jokes. xD hahahaha, good times! I'm REALLY happy that nobody spoiled that for you! :D Leia's damn hot! She rates a 9.5 for me. Everything about her is great, at this point at least. Episode 4, not so much.


Alex are you going to watch star wars 1-3? I like them a lot so would be fun.


Yeah no one really said anything about Luke and Leia but everyone knew and every time Alex made a joke everyone was just eagerly wating for Alex to find out. Rating Leia from a scale of 1 to 10? For me personally... probably just a 5, I never really thought that she was super good looking in my opinion. And it's Return of the Jedi because the Jedi have returned. Before these Movies the Jedi's are pretty much gone. Sure there was Obi-wan and Yoda and maybe some others, but they all were basically retired and didn't do any Jedi stuff. Because the Empire/Sith were ruling. But now that the Empire is beating and the Emperor is dead and another Death Star got destroyed + Luke being a fully fledged Jedi, the Jedi's are basically back. Since Luke than find new People that can become Jedi and rebuild the Jedi's.

Matthew Duglin

When are we getting the YouTube cut of this?

Lesa Ahrenstein

I also became a patreon to watch the whole series with you. I wish there was a way to go back and get all of the harry potters And maybe there is an I just don't know it. Most definitely the movies in the order they were released. Someone said that they hope you do 1 and 3. I've always thought all along you were gonna do all 9 of them. But then you also have to watch rogue 1 which sets up #4 and Solo which is the backstory on Han and Chewbacca. In the series Obi-Wan Kenobi you are introduced to Luke and Leia at age 10 or there about. Leia has always been a badass

Chryss Guiler

The little creature you don't like that was sitting in front of Jabba was named Salacious Crumb. And Jabba was a puppet (or a Muppet), and his movements were done by several people underneath. Find Star Wars Classic Creatures; it should be on youtube.

Chryss Guiler

It's funny, I didn't like the Ewoks for several years. They were just too cute. As time went by, I realized that they were a whole people who had their own culture; they weren't just cute teddy bears.

Callum McAllister

Callum McAllister Now that you have watched the full original trilogy it would be to watch the family guy episodes. they are fully endorsed by star wars and are very good.

Callum McAllister

There is one long episode per origonal trilogy film

Adam Guillemette

There is a way to go back and see the harry potter reactions! They're all here on the paetron I'm not sure if your on the app. But the website has a search bar at the top that will search all of his reactions that are out :) just search for harry potter and they should all be there


Nah, Star Wars is for Christmas. 😅 (That might be a GenX only joke. USA used to show the original trilogy nonstop on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day )

Purple Cowboy

Leia would be a 8.5 maybe a 8.9 if I would be into women from the 80's but for today’s generation I’d say she would be a 7-7.5, too hippy for me 😆

Purple Cowboy

I’m just wondering if you eventually will watch the Mandalorian, Bobba Fett, Andor, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka series? I would love to see your reactions to them. They were better than I ever thought!

Purple Cowboy

Also you should play Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and SWJ: Fallen Order games! That could be fun to see on a stream or something. I like the Survivor one. Haven’t had the chance to play Fallen Order yet.

Purple Cowboy

It’s been awhile that I’ve seen this movie and I didn’t know the added the hologram of Hayden as Anakin at the end. That really got me!

Jeff K

They're both really good. I think Survivor is an improvement on Fallen Order, but they're both a lot of fun.

Jeff K

"But they kissed!" It's almost like George Lucas was making shit up as he went... (I love this trilogy but, come on. He was clearly just creating it on the fly without thinking about things like that.)

Jeff K

By the way Alex: the person in the costume for the main Ewok (who is named Wicket) is Warwick Davis, who was only about 11 at the time they filmed this. He's been in a ton of stuff, but you'd remember him from the Harry Potter franchise, in which he played two roles: he was the goblin Griphook, as well as Professor Flitwick, the Charms professor. (His most famous role is probably as the titular character in Willow.)



Robert Miller

The forest shots in this movie were filmed in the Redwood State Park of California. Simply gorgeous landscape. The dark side and being part machine have nothing to do with each other. Luke looked down at his left hand, because that is the same hand Vader cut off of him. They both lost their left hands to each other. Looking forward to your reaction to EP1!

Grant Lingerfelt

So, Alex, I'm not sure if this has been explained, but I'll try to give you some context without spoiling the journey. Essentially, you have several different philosophies of the force. Jedi and Sith don't even begin to scratch the surface, but we will stick to these two for this. To better understand the two, let's take a look at their respective codes. Jedi- There is no emotion, there is peace There is no ignorance, there is knowledge There is no passion, there is serenity there is no chaos, there is harmony There is no death, there is the Force Sith- Peace is a lie, there is only passion Through passion, I gain strength Through strength, I gain power Through power, I gain victory Through victory, my chains are broken The Force shall set me free. The main difference is the way these two USE the Force. Obi Wan explained it in a New Hope by saying "It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together." So, Jedi use the Force by connecting with and harmonizing with that energy. Sith, on the other hand, use their power by making that energy field bend to their will. They essentially charge themselves with that energy and release it, kind of like a battery or a capacitor. This takes a toll on the body, hence one reason for the Emperor's appearance. It's also why all Sith lightsabers are red. When making a lightsaber, you need a "kyber crystal", essentially a living crystal. Jedi seek their crystals and find one that is seeking them, forming a very symbiotic relationship. Sith, on the other hand, will meditate and pour their will, their power, and their passion into the crystal to, again, bend the crystal to the user's will. This causes the crystal to "bleed", turning it red. There's another very important philosophy dealing with the Force, but I don't want to open that can of worms until you've seen Episode 1. If you want to hear more about this stuff, let me know. I'll gladly share my decades of Star Wars knowledge with you. The movies and all the TV shows scratch not even 5% of the lore build up in the universe of Star Wars.


Or as Kanye once said, “George Lucas is the main character in Star Wars… HE KISSED HIS SISTER” 🤣

Chryss Guiler

Wow, excellent explanation of the lightsabers and the crystals in them. I have read about this in Star Wars stories and find it fascinating, Especially that the crystals bleed when dark force users use them. I've come across some stories where light side force users are able to heal the crystals and then they return to their true color.


You ask if, knowing what I do now, I could go back and have them released in whatever order I want, which order would I pick. I chose 4, 5, 6, 1,2,3 etc. Just as they are now. It might be nice to see it in another order, but the biggest spoilers come if you watch it in another order. Seeing your face when you found out about Leia was evidence enough that this release order holds the most power.

Mason Amstutz

im extremely satifised with your references to weed or for instance, Jabba's "gravity bong" lmao cuz i be over here hitting this piece while binge watching ur content! love it ahahhaa


I have now watched you react to these movies twice. You add a lot man especially since my girlfriend wont rewatch movies with me. That makes you my new girlfriend