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Hey guys!

I wanted to touch base with all of you and offer an avenue for you guys to touch base with me, as well! 

Here is the link to the Discord if you want to join the stage on Friday: https://discord.gg/mEczYGWT

I love you all so damn much, and I am here for each and every one of you! :)





Hello Alex and fellow travelers. I'm a self-published author on Amazon who is looking for an audience. i'm 55 years old and have been doing my best to battle early onset Parkinson's disease for the last 21 years. as my physical health began to decline, making it difficult for me to continue working, I put myself through college and earned a masters in creative writing. 8 years later i'm working on my 11th novel in an ongoing series about monsters living among us with at least 3 more planned to follow if my disease allows me to write them. I'm not trying to drum up sales, in fact i'm willing to email free copies of my books out to anyone who is willing to help me out. what i'm looking for is feedback and some help stirring up interest in the series. ultimately i think this would be a fun show to watch on Netflix or some such venue. if anyone is interested in reading my books, i'd love the company on my journey. my email is puppetmasterrx@yahoo.com if you'd like a free copy of book 1: Missing Persons. i hope it's cool for me to drop my email here. As my disease progresses, it gets harder and harder to motivate myself to keep writing. thanks in advance to any inspirationi can get.

Bobo The Hobo

love you Alex, genuinely just a great guy. honestly, right now my mind is all over the place. things feeling worthless, feeling trapped, things like that. trying to be optimistic, since i have an amazing girlfriend, a job i like, friends i love. it's just been hard recently. i will say though, watching your movie channel is definitely one of the things that helps me get through it. just wanna say thank you for everything man, we all love you

Ruarí Kelsey

I work on ships a lot so I’ve only just seen this and I cried within 20 seconds 😅 it’s lovely having someone care enough.