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Hey guys!

Yet another week of content! Crazy how fast these weeks are going by, isn't it? Kind of scary to be honest!

Want to know what else is crazy and scary the FUCKING BETRAYAL IN THIS EPISODE!!!! Shit is crazy annoying!

What this show continues to do each and every episode, though, is get better and better! I have no idea how they are pulling that off, but it is incredibly impressive!

I love you guys so much, and I hope everyone enjoys this reaction :)

Gooch slaps to you,




Rat MacKay

The scene where Zach punched Leo...Frank was laying on his cot while David was watching that. That's when Frank found out about the cameras in the house. So, yes, at the end, he was looking at David through the camera and the things he was saying to Sarah about things getting better for her family...that was basically his way of telling David "Billy offered me a way out, but I said I was going to help you get back to your family and I'm not going back on my word."

Rogue Mutant

Now you just need to watch Jessica Jones Season 1