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Hey guys!

This movie is SPECTACULAR!!! Absolutely INSANE!

I have never watched a movie and been so sad and happy at the same time.

I have never watched a movie and been so inspired and discouraged at the same time.

I have never watched a movie and been have felt so light and dark at the same time.

I have never watched a movie and been so respected and disrespected at the same time.

..................... until now.

All I can say is WOW!

Love you guys,




Clay Thompson

That chair was a paid actor


Finally! One of my favs! Also yes, Miles done all his own drum playing


finally dude let’s go

Eric Cartman

If this is what it takes to get me to watch whiplash so be it

Culper (Lukas)

I think Alex has met his match with who can tell better insults/jokes.


I used to pray for times like this🙏


Jk Simon's got like 7 awards for best supporting actor


Gez watching you high is a fuckin vibe


Now you see why we pushed for this movie so hard?

Elizabeth D

Watching this as a profesional musician is a wild ride! (🎹ist here who has dated a few pro 🥁ers) Since you said you don’t have much musical knowledge, I might be able to give a little insight some things: Almost NOTHING about the rehearsal culture is accurate. Musicians are def way more chill, especially in an educational environment. Even my Grammy winning professors (who expected you to be prepared for rehearsal) would VERY rarely blow up at the ensemble, let alone one individual player. Pro bands are even more chill, you wouldn’t even be there unless you have the chops to hang with the group. As a gigging musician, if you don’t play well, you’re simply not invited back. The whole “playing till he bleeds” is insane! The faster you play, the more relaxed your body actually needs to be. The expected work ethic is pretty spot on though, you were expected to practice a minimum of 2-4hrs a day. Nerdy music stuff aside, this movie is FANTASTIC! It’s such a trip! Glad you liked it 🤩

Undead Hope

That was probably the best analysis from any of your videos. I really enjoyed that.


JK Simmons really did a crazy good job. I really love Fletcher character, because of how over the top he is. It's just a blast to watch, even if you don't want someone like that to be in your actual life. But in this movie alone he has so many good quotable moments. And btw, JK Simmon is also "J. Jonah Jameson" who is the Publisher/Editor in Chief in the Spider Man movies. So basically the Guy in the Daily Bugle (newspaper) that always hated on Spiderman. Which is another role that people use a lot for meme's or gifs.


So happy rn


As an ex-musician, seeing non-musicians react to this is so interesting because they go in with similar impressions as you "I bet they'll be best friends by the end!", "He can pick 'em out because he knows they're shit". I was biting my nails the moment I saw JK Simmons, getting flashbacks of my piano teacher yelling at my back and smashing the keys because I wasn't pressing down hard enough and she happened to be in a bad mood that day 🫠 My drummer friend recommended this movie to me in 2018. After watching it, I (in genuine shock) asked if one does actually hurt themselves playing the drums that intensely, and apparently their fingers do tear and they do bleed (sometimes)! That's what callouses are for lol


As a lifetime classical musician (not as a profession by choice but professional level), I’d offer that you’re never an “ex” musician. Even if you haven’t played for years, musician is part of who you are. It’s your gift to enjoy (and for others’ enjoyment if you choose to share it)! 🙂


I Love Alex’s reactions, but I couldn’t get past the first psychopathic chair-hurling freak out of that a$$hole teacher. I had to skip to Alex’s review at the end and just watch that. The evil toxicity of psychos like Fletcher can ruin the enjoyment of the gift of music that many have. They become so abused by demons like this to the point where the gift of enjoying playing music is damaged or destroyed. I’m so thankful that I didn’t continue in the industry of classical music. I saw the warning signs early, so now I play and sing because I love it! ☺️


Also the only 2 movies I really wanted to see alex watch are Baby Driver and Whiplash and now it's been done.


Are you aware that this is a movie and J.K Simmons is acting?


If you like insult comedy, some of his insults were pretty funny. I’d love to see the bloopers when they crack up trying to get those lines out. 😆


Miles Teller was in a great show about the making of the Godfather. After you watch the Godfather, you should watch that show.


Why’s this movie so gd yellow?

Mehdi R.

wierd editing choice at the end there lol but otherwise great reaction


Did you not hear Alex’s analysis at the end talking about people in real life who are like that? I guess not. And did you not consider the possibility that I chose not to remind myself of the abuse that I once faced because it’s a painful memory that I don’t want to relive? Clearly not. Your rude response actually sounds like the very person portrayed in this movie. Reply if you want to, but I will not read any more replies to this thread.


That's so nice of you to say 🥺❤️‍🩹 Have a lovely weekend, fellow musician!


This movie is so great AND disturbing. At the end I feel like it makes us as the audience ask : does the ends justify the means? IMO as much as he’s phenomenal as a drummer, I don’t think it justifies the abuse he went through with Fletcher… that’s all I can say.


i've been a metal/rock drummer for 16 years now and honestly if i wanted to show someone why im pushing so hard and why it's so amazing being a drummer... i would show them this movie.


And if you ever wondered if the injuries Neimann suffers in this movie are real.... they are worse in real life.


FINAL NOTE: This movie made me sure that sheet music sucks and you don't need to have the ability to read music to be a good musician.


Damn I’m sorry to hear this I’ve never experienced physical abuse from parents only threats and verbal abuse that sounds terrifying and I’m sorry that you had to experience that and I hope you are doing well now


Alex, one question... what's about your obsession with Machiavelli?


movie audio a bit higher please

Monk Without a Cause

i know too much about this, and it sounds like more like a real horror movie to me than a horror movie, so I've thus far avoided the impact it might have on my feeble creativity.


Did they update to where you can show every movie or is there certain ones?


Thank you. So sorry to hear that you experienced some of that emotional trauma as well. Thankfully never anything physical for me either, but so-called mentors/teachers and other influential people like the guy in this film do exist and can do a lot of emotional/psychological damage. All good now, and I hope all is well for you too!


I’m sorry I just saw your reply Yeah my parents kicked me out at 18 and now I’m 19 in my own apartment living the life so the worst thing in my life I was able to use to become the best


Andrew’s dad’s reaction was of amazement at what his son was doing. Like he finally got what his son was trying to accomplish and being astounded at the level at which his son was doing it. At least that’s my interpretation.


Wow, so sorry to hear that, but great that you were able to turn that situation around! It’s a healthy response and seed that will continue to produce good harvests for you! All the best as you contiene to live the life 🙂

Veronica Lenée

I have been likened to JK Simmons (the teacher) in this movie with my management style. I totally see it..... I strive for excellence with everything. When you find someone with great potential, you'll push them to the edge to see what they're made of. I've competed a lot. It's also probably a reason I have anxiety.... I was even super into playing reed instruments when I was younger.


i follow other creators and they have been showing all of the shows for years , its allowed. Idk why he switched all of the sudden

Dony Acevedo

Incredible film!!! Wow!!!!


Alex mate ya gotta watch The Flash show

Alex B

One of my favorite movies

Tim D

Alex you need to learn when to stop talking in your reactions. Yapped away right through some heavier moments in the film and completely blew over them


Just some fun facts about the film. The film was filmed in only 19 days Both Miles Teller and J.K. Have a musical background that helped them get into character in the film. Miles had been playing drums since he was 15 and took extensive jazz lessons for the film, he played a majority of the jazz drumming in the film but no one really knows exactly how much was him. Some articles say 90% of it was teller while others say around 40% Some of the scenes of him bleeding during practice was actually his real blood from playing too hard J.K. On the otherhand has a degree in music and is a talented pianist so it was quite easy for him to slip back into that role even playing the piano music in the bar J.K. Won 47 awards just for this film J.K. Did the last 2 days of filming with broken ribs due to an injury he got during the tackle scene.