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EDIT: The reward tiers are live now! Very sorry about the delay. I knew I was going to forget tonight.

Hello patrons and newcomers!

Happy New Year! Hard to believe it's already 2024. But 2023 was rough in a lot of ways so I'm glad to see it go. Here's to a positive year 🐉🎉

Here's the monthly news and updates;

  • January's rewards are live! They go live sometime after midnight PST usually before 1 am PST. I might be a little late due to the holiday. There are FOUR stickers and 2 cards this month! Now's a great time to hop into one of the higher tiers, since there's a few more spots open than usual.
  • Moving forward this month; The main focus is gonna be the next reward set of cards and stickers, but I'll try and fit in a poll and a new NSFW pinup somewhere. The next character suggestion post will be up soon, with the new theme!
  • Store update: The shop is still on break. I might have it ready for March??
  • Life & Conventions update: in the middle of the month I'll be at Magfest! Jan 18th to 21st in National Harbor. I haven't been since pre-pandemic so I have no idea how it's gonna go. I made a few new items that I'm premiering at my table. I'll show them off soon, and I'llreprint them for online sales later on.
  • Other work: I'm chipping away at the outline and character designs for the Skeleton Hero story. If I can manage some extra time this month It'll probably be going towards that.

Stay safe and stay healthy, and thank you for your support!




As a Godzilla fan, I WILL be getting the big tier as soon as it goes live!


Forgot to shut off work alarm and might have been able to snag that last SkullGod tier. Been looking to upgrade for a while and finally it has happened.