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Hey Patrons!

The page is still paused for this month, but I've got an update to share! Here's a preview of December's reward set.

What I decided to go with is a "Fire vs Ice" theme for the cards and 2 of the stickers. For Fire it's Karlach and Mai Shuranui, for Ice it's Lorelei (pokemon anime version) and Ice-flower Peach. (for Karlach I might have to go with her simplified outfit. The belts are... a lot.)

The other 2 stickers are carryovers from last month's poll; Rangiku and Yoko for the NSFW design.

Look forward to these being available on December 1st! On the last week of this month I'll post the finished artwork and all the usual info on how to get them.

I hope you're all doing well! I'm getting ready for AnimeNYC, which is also gonna be like a mini vacation for me.




Have you sent out the rewards for october? Cause I havnt got mine yet. Also looking forward to Lorlei shes my fav💗


Yes, but they only went out about a week and half ago. Sometimes things get delayed in the mail. Give it until the last week of this month and if it hasn't arrived, DM me and I'll sort it out.


These look great, man! Now get the heck outta here, you're still on vacation!